19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


EMI Security Directions

21 Sept 2011, 11:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


EMI Security Directions

  • John White (University of Helsinki, Finland)


The EMI Security Infrastructure and strategy has been defined and deployed in the first year of the project. As the second year continues there will be additions made and strategy refinements.

This can be a 90min session devoted to the Security directions that are/will be taken in the EMI project. Contributions can include the current and Security infrastructure (Architecture).
Integration of common components inside the EMI stack, AAI services and possibilities for secured usage of EMI services through pseudo-anonymous identities and encrypted data storage.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Henri Mikkonen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
21/09/2011, 11:15
Dr Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
21/09/2011, 11:45
Building timetable...