19โ€“23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone



21 Sept 2011, 14:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


The CHAIN project, in cooperation with EUIndiaGrid2, EUMEDGRID-Support and GISELA, organises a workshop that is a follow-up of the Workshops organised at ISGC 2011 in Taipei and at the EGI UF in Vilnius. The former was focused on interoperation and interoperability between EU and Asia, while the latter was mainly concentrated on the matching of the VRC requirements with the services offered by the eInfrastructure providers.
This workshop proposes to make a step forward investigating the needs of VRC regarding interoperations and interoperability, possibly demonstrating the existing solutions developed until now and discussing the standards that are ready to be adopted.
At the date of the EGI TF, CHAIN will have signed MoUs with some VRCs and can thus show the preliminary results of these collaborations.
The interoperations among regional infrastructures both at the operational and organizational levels is one of the CHAIN's major goals.

GISELA (www.gisela-grid.eu), which started on 1st September 2010, aims at
โ€ข Ensuring the long-term sustainability of its e-Infrastructure in Latin American and the Caribbean by implementing the NGI / LGI sustainability model proposed by EELA-2 (www.eu-eela.eu), in association with CLARA and collaborating with EGI.
โ€ข Providing full support to the EELA-2 User Communities whose research investigations are carried out at the institution level or in small collaborations, and to the larger VRCs spanning Latin America and Europe and using this Infrastructure.

The workshop is expected to analyse the progress made since the Vilnius User Forum in the matching of User Communitiesโ€™ requirements and Resource Providersโ€™ plans. Hopefully it will help to pinpoint the remaining critical issues and the necessary technical developments, if any, that still need to be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of the VRCs.
EGI, CHAIN, GISELA, EUIndiaGRid2 and EUMEDGRID-Support will make use of the outcomes of the workshop to better solve the issues related to the involvement of Virtual Research Communities in the usage of Grid infrastructures.

CHAIN Web: www.chain-project.eu
GISELA Web: www.gisela-grid.eu
EUMEDGRID-Support: www.eumedgrid.eu
EUIndiaGrid2: www.euindiagrid.eu

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Climate Change: WRF4G & CAM4G
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Miguel-Angel Sicilia
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Dr Marco Verlato
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Ales Krenek
Results from CHAIN
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Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
15:20 - 15:30
Philippe Gavillet
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Alberto Masoni
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Alberto Di Meglio
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16:30 - 16:45
Giuseppe Andronico
Interoperabilty and Standards
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
16:45 - 17:00
Discussion and Conclusions
Rhone 2 (75), Lyon Conference Centre
17:00 - 17:30