Diego Scardaci
20/09/2011, 11:00
Science Gateways are considered as valid and innovative tools to increase Grid adoption and usage. Hiding the complexity of the Grid environment could indeed allow an easy access to e-Infrastructures to large Virtual Research Communities reducing the skills needed today to fully exploit them.
In the Scientific Gateway design, the adoption of international standards should be considered as a...
Marco Fargetta
(Consorzio COMETA and INFN), Mr
Riccardo Rotondo
20/09/2011, 11:20
Science Gateways are cutting edge tools in the Grid computing world and are playing a key role in spreading the adoption and usage of this paradigm by large Virtual Research Communities mostly made by non IT-experts.
Researchers require steadily increasing computational power and data storage that are currently provided by Grid infrastructures. However, the access procedure to these...
Antonia Tugores
20/09/2011, 11:40
For a long time grid has been used practically only by large projects which can afford to have fine-tuned sophisticated interfaces for the researchers involved on these projects. Without these interfaces the access to grid using shell commands is quite cumbersome for nowadays point and click standards. There are many research areas in which small teams or even individual researchers may need...
Ivan Diaz
20/09/2011, 12:00
The EGI Metrics Portal is an important tool for project management that aggregates a large number of quality and health metrics from all tasks within EGI. These metrics measure not only the status of the infrastructure, but also the activity of all people involved on the project. Some of these metrics are conflated from many sources, and some are manual and updated by activity and task...
Andrea Ceccanti
Valery Tschopp
20/09/2011, 14:00
Authorization across the EMI middleware stacks (gLite, ARC and UNICORE) is currently not homogeneous, and components often have their own mechanisms of handling it. To address this inconsistency and to unify the authorization process, the Argus Authorization Service was chosen as the EMI solution.
The Argus Authorization Service renders consistent authorization decisions for distributed...
John Kewley
20/09/2011, 14:20
Users find applying for and renewing of their certificates hard.
In fact one third of the tickets on the UK NGI Helpdesk in the last year
were related to certificates: a common theme being browser issues.
STFC staff have produced a browser-independent tool for managing
the certificates of the UK NGI user community. This tool, combined with
other service improvments, provides a...
Daniel Kouril
20/09/2011, 14:40
Grids have traditionally used certificates which have scaled well globally and
given a high level of assurance, but grids would become more useful if they
could consume authentication tokens from other authentication infrastructures,
also with different levels of assurance. Expected benefits include widening the
user base, by making use of existing authentication infrastructure, and...
David Crooks
20/09/2011, 15:00
This presentation will cover the work conducted within the ScotGrid Glasgow Tier-2 site. It will focus on the multi-tiered network security architecture developed on the site to augment Grid site server security and will discuss the variety of techniques used including the utilisation of Intrusion Detection systems, logging and optimising network connectivity within the...
Sergio Maffioletti
21/09/2011, 14:00
GC3Pie is a suite of Python classes (and command-line tools built upon them) to aid in submitting and controlling batch jobs to clusters and grid resources seamlessly. GC3Pie aims at providing the building blocks by which Python scripts that combine several applications in a dynamic workflow can be quickly developed.
GC3Libs, the main component of the GC3Pie framework, provides services for...
Andrea Manzi
21/09/2011, 14:20
The gCube framework is a flexible tool for managing e-Infrastructures. Its enabling technology, i.e. the lower layer gluing together the e-Infrastructure resources, has been recently extended to feature the management of Web Applications. This work was stimulated by a use case expressed by the FAO community calling for the design and implementation of a solution to inject Web Applications (by...
Bjoern Hagemeier
21/09/2011, 14:40
Users of computational resources come with a multitude of different application scenarios. It is difficult if not impossible to cater for all user requirements of a computing center at the same time and in a timely manner. Therefore, it would be beneficial if the user could provide the runtime environment and thus pose less complex requirements for the computing center. The computing center...
Riccardo Murri
21/09/2011, 15:00
AppPot is a way to implement generic application deployment on a computational Grid, and especially to enable users to provide their own software to the computing cluster.
AppPot uses User Mode Linux to provide users with a development and running environment they have full control over. User Mode Linux provides a virtualized environment in which users can build and run their own...