25–27 Jun 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Next steps and wrap-up

27 Jun 2019, 11:30
LO17 at CWI (Amsterdam)

LO17 at CWI


Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam


Wrap-up and next steps
Summary of the outcomes
How the work will continue in the coming months.
Consultation with relevant stakeholders.
Interactions with the EOSC Architecture working group
Documents: project deliverables, technical specifications for EOSC federating core services, interoperability guidelines, etc.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mark Sanden (SURFsara BV)
27/06/2019, 11:30
27/06/2019, 12:00
Building timetable...