T7.5 OpenCoastS

Debora Testi (CINECA)

Attendees: Debora, Samuel, Anabela
From the integration point of view:
- for the computation at the moment there is an issue to be solved on the Spain side, so at present computational resources are provided only by the Portugal one. -> trying to solve the issue, problem reviewed and now looking fo technical solution in a new deployment..

- tests with DIRAC ok in INCD

- start to conca the Service providers form EUDAt to get an account. 
- AAI integraton is still pending. Integration B2ACCESS and EGI check
 - B2access - JIRA WP10 contact to get an account. Some support needed.  https://jira.eosc-hub.eu/browse/EOSCWP10-24

- 3 months extension optimal to complete the work 

b2DRop integrative with opencast -> even without b2access maybe

About training:

- Training at MedCoast conference

Deliverable: contribution under preparation

Next meeting is scheduled for the 10th of Dec at 4PM CET.

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