Operations Management Board



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Alessandro Paolini
Catalin Condurache
David Cohen (NGI_IL)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)
Jan Astalos (NGI_SK)
Valeria Ardizzone
Vincenzo Spinoso 
Greg Corbet
Jerome Pansanel
Emir Imamagic
Baptiste Grenier
Linda Cornwall
Sven Gabriel
Stephane Gerard (BeGRID)

Matthew Viljoen
- UMD: preparing a new release for CentOS8 products
- SL6 will be retired at the end of the year

- interactions with WLCG by participating to GDB
- EGI Conference 2020 23-25 June in Lyon
- EOSC-hub week 2020 18-20 May in Karlsruhe

FedCloud badge system
Valeria Ardizzone, Vincenzo Spinoso

presenting the prototype status

question: the site that lost the badge, was it a problem of the site or elsewhere?

the problem was with Caso accounting, the site fixed it and republished the data

in general, we should not penalize the sites for causes external to them

Vincenzo: allowing a sort of re-computation if there are valid reasons, after an assessment by OMB

the badge system will become a regular topic at OMB meeting, where particular cases can be discussed and analysed

Security updates
Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)

- EGI-OSG coordination

- one incident: virtualisation demon exposed
- at least 2 servers remotely compromised
- user credentials revoked

- storage elements ACL issues

there is a check if ACLs are open enough

- Licensing
which copyright rules do we put to our advisories and materials?

the AMBER advisories cannot be shared
when labeled TLP White, they can 

modifying the wiki pages adding the TLP reference would help

- F2F meeting report

asking the new EGI press officer to collaborate for the Outreach projects
meeting this afternoon to discuss this

- CSIRT is heavily using RT, replacing it with another tool would require a lot of coding work

CREAM-CE replacement survey
Catalin Condurache (EGI.eu)

change in the EGI Default OLA and EGI Core Services OLAs¶
Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)

EGI Default OLA: https://documents.egi.eu/document/2752
EGI Services OLA/UA template: https://documents.egi.eu/document/2278

there were no particular remarks, changes are approved

updating PROC06, PROC07, PROC08¶

https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC06 (Setting Nagios test status to operations)
- the operations tests are managed on Poem (ARGO_MON_OPERATORS) by ARGO team, no more through the operations dashboard

https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC07 (Adding new probes to ARGO)
- there is a testing instance of ARGO suitable to test the integration of either new probes or simply new version of existing probes, before the deployment in production

https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC08 (Management of the EGI OPS Availability and Reliability Profile)
- it is no more necessary creating a duplicate A/R report to test changes: the tests that are moved to the critical profile have been already tested a lot when moved to the OPERATORS profile, and usually we move one test per time.

waiting for the end of the month before approving the changes 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speaker: Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)
    • 2
      FedCloud badge system
      Speakers: Valeria Ardizzone (EGI.eu), Vincenzo Spinoso (INFN)
    • 3
      Security updates
      Speaker: Dr Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)
    • 4
      CREAM-CE replacement survey
      Speaker: Catalin Condurache (EGI.eu)
    • 5
      change in the EGI Default OLA and EGI Core Services OLAs

      EGI Default OLA: https://documents.egi.eu/document/2752
      EGI Services OLA/UA template: https://documents.egi.eu/document/2278

      Speaker: Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)
    • 6
      updating PROC06, PROC07, PROC08

      https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC06 (Setting Nagios test status to operations)
      - the operations tests are managed on Poem (ARGO_MON_OPERATORS) by ARGO team, no more through the operations dashboard

      https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC07 (Adding new probes to ARGO)
      - there is a testing instance of ARGO suitable to test the integration of either new probes or simply new version of existing probes, before the deployment in production

      https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC08 (Management of the EGI OPS Availability and Reliability Profile)
      - it is no more necessary creating a duplicate A/R report to test changes: the tests that are moved to the critical profile have been already tested a lot when moved to the OPERATORS profile, and usually we move one test per time.

      Speaker: Alessandro Paolini (EGI.eu)