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Updates from WP leader:
- EOSC-hub week: Free, Online event between May 18-20. Multiple tracks. Please register at There will be no WP8 meeting during the EOSC-hub week. We have our CC Task leaders' meeting with ~monthly periodicity.
- Commercialisation support: Each CC leader to fill the WP9 commercialisation survey at (See my email from April 20 for details)
- Project extension: CCs did not indicate delay due to the COVID situation. Some of the other WPs did (incl. Early Adopter Pilots from Task 8.9), and we are waiting for the PMB decision to request the extension from the EC. D8.2, our final deliverable will have to be ready with the original deadline (i.e. full draft for external review by Mid-November).
Update from CCs:
- WP11, WP13 requested extension. WP8 not
- Jobs currently in VMs CSC --> Need to transition to the EISCAT Compute facility
- Order tickets don't reach the provider --> Gergely to help sorting this out
- A Notebooks was setup at Kiruna. Ingemar to check next week.
- RDSDS continuing, but a bit slower. However still expect to finish in time
- Check sensitive data; Check business models
- Finalising the implementation of workflows (R scripts wrapped into API, running in VMs in EGI, storage is B2DROP)
- No need to extend the task
- Initial tests successful. But scalability is issue: Large/many files take many hours. --> Connect them with WP10
- Wrote a few notebooks in EGI Notebook. How to share that with researchers so they can re-run and use --> Send info about Binder
- Use cases:
- Lightning case study from Bangladesh: Setup was reached with Taiwanese data. Model was validated. Waiting for data from Bangladesh. Make WRF
- Expanding to agriculture: Kickoff meeting in Nov in Japan
- Events:
- Training: Had an AAI workshop in early March
- ISGC was postponed to late Aug, but may be postponed again, or even cancelled
- APAN is planned to August in Asia as virtual meeting
- Simulation portal:
- iCOMCOT was updated, now ready for re-validation in EOSC