- Infrastructure Budget
- Was updated; but now need to add new pilots (part of pilot status discussion below)
- 3 months extension approved by GA; awaiting EC
- Project office to review financial reporting in Dec
- Sy: Ask Mandy for the updated the WP9 figures/table
- Final Deliverable
Business Pilots and Collaborations
- New Open Call Pilots (Workplan/SLA status + Website text)
- Website text
- All SLAs/workplans more or less final (content)
- Marcin to complete polishing this week
- Erasmus+
- Map provider
- Map development experts
- Security
- Several meetings, going well
- Need to follow up post-holidays
- Need to limit scope to best practices, not full audit
- Cloud services
- Requirements still to be collected
- Data related aspects (see note under webinars)
- Ibisa+
- Data access (e.g. ground vegetation database)
- Contact people from DEIMOS/NextGEOSS, waiting on evaluation
- Scientific publication
- Ok to support, but no action for now
- Contacts provision to domain/sectors
- FAIR datasets
- Several contacts done. Waiting for answers.
- 5-20 fair datasets to use as validation
- Discuss with them about key partners e.g. OpenAIRE
- Cloud computing + Blockchain
- Requirements known
- Call for providers
- Dissemination, exploitation and commercialization strategy support
- F6S to support (more towards Sept)
- Chairman of the Board at DEIP
- Sy to reply with a generic reply
- Bigtrucks
- VMs + data processing
- Requirements known
- Call for providers
- MapReduce experts
- Need to find via wider EOSC
- Machine learning expert
- Meeting with the experts.
- Dataset improvements
- Dissemination, exploitation and commercialization strategy support
- F6S to support (more towards Nov)
- KnowCo
- EOSC portal/marketplace
- DONE: Meeting with Cyfronet
- Will be added to the marketplace
- DONE: Meetings with AAI team
- Waiting for links to be provided following the meeting
- Dissemination, exploitation and commercialization strategy support
- F6S to support (more towards Nov-Dec)
- Claudio to provide feedback afterwards as it was the first day back from holiday
- Guardomic
- Claudio to provide feedback afterwards as it was the first day back from holiday
- See PCA below as well
- No consumption over the summer
- Marcin to follow up why, as it is strange since they started to attend the community meetings
- General
- Clarify with Gergely Sipos about how to request expertise from the community
- Trello will be used for each as before
- e-Science Data Factory/B2NOTE (Request for meeting but no DIH partner feedback)
- Sy followed up with CSC; pushed to SURFsara
- Muon Systems - Pipe degradation
- Will move forward, just delayed cause of holidays
- Will follow up in Sept.
- Others?
- BlockIS + Blocktart + SMART4ALL
- Amsterdam startup database
- DIHNET.EU Community Monthly Digest (DIHs Champions Challenge 2020 Open Call)
Branding Refresh
- Implementation update
- New sections created and pilot description included. Needed to add content to events / news/ funding...
- Targeting 1 Sept for "going live"; can we be ready?
- Social media
- Draft out messages for social media posting now in order to be ready (Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Upload logos: both Confluence and Google Drive
- Promotional material
- Get with Rob for a timeframe for updating
- Success Story publication, wait for the new year
- Forum
- Create some initial categories for people to get an understanding of what is there and where to contribute
- Add as an agenda to the next community meeting
Commercialization support
- DataFurn PCA/SLA
- Koma Nord
- Agn: preparation in progress; call set for next week
- Webinars (3 to be organised Sept - Nov)
- Technology transfer: Sept 24 15:00 CET selected
- Text available on new website, once live, also do promo for webinar
- Check Erasumus play specific interest in topics e.g. data management, data integration from different sources, GDPR, etc.
- To check: with Giuseppe la Rocca from WP11 for available experts or training material or webinars and Diego Scardaci from WP10 for technical aspects
- Follow up with them next week
- Marketing and communications webinar
- Doodle has been sent out
- To be closed; 6, 7 or 9 Oct
- Final webinar on "funding opportunities"; to be delivered by F6S
Terms of Reference
- Need to move this up the priority list
- ALL (before going off on holidays): Any comments, clarifications, suggestions
- Note: how one joins, but also how one leaves
- Note: to signature or to not signature
- Note: contribution to the forum
- SH: Set up a dedicated call in Sept
National DIH Contact points
- Write them to make aware of EOSC DIH
Trello Action Review
Next Meetings
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