WP8 task leaders meeting


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  • Updates from the project:

    • Project extension

    • EOSC-hub final event (with FREYA and SSHOC)

    • EOSC-hub Webinar programme

  • Final WP8 deliverable (ToC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mTg-paSNdch20xL-eF62oWbGU3qFpgZEHIi2VWlQxUY/edit#)

  • Roundtable updates from the CCs 

  • AOB


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Notes of the EOSC-hub WP8 CC task leaders' meeting


Notes by Gergely Sipos

Updates from the project:

  • Project extension: Possibile to transform travel budget into PMs, and to request additional PMs to carry out extra work. Inform Gergely immediately if you want to propose something.
  • EOSC-hub final event: To be jointly held with SSHOC and FREYA projects between Nov 16-19. Online event. High level programme was introduced during the meeting. There will be one session with presenting a few CCs and TSs from EOSC-hub to demonstrate integration work for RIs. Volunteer to present at Gergely.
  • EOSC-hub webinar programme: Started earlier this week (https://www.eosc-hub.eu/webinar-programme). One webinar planned about the CCs. Volunteer to present (approx 15') at Gergely.
  • Final WP8 deliverable: ToC is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mTg-paSNdch20xL-eF62oWbGU3qFpgZEHIi2VWlQxUY/edit#. Add comments by end of the week. Writing will start next week. Full version must be ready for review by mid-November. 

Updates from the CCs:

T8.1 - Justin:

- Progressing on AAI, compute cloud, Data topics

T8.2 - Ludovic Fleury (CEA):

- Successful test of map-reduce in the cloud

- Next step is to move on bigger example with more time-series data

T8.3 - Marine:

- Argo Web interface with data parsing service are running at the CSC, IN2P3 clouds

- The setup will be maintained from the ENVRI-FAIR project

- Evaluating tools for a cloud-based VRE (InTake system that works fine on AWS and Google. We are adopting to EOSC clouds)

T8.4 - Ingemar:

- Configured groups in Check-in

- Had two test sessions with users and planning a 3rd in two weeks

- GUI should be clearer for end users

T8.5 - Luca:

- Run data science ML project on SURFsara

- Was the extra funding approved for the new work that we proposed in the summer? - Gergely to check with PO

- Notebooks setup works for simple use cases, but we need more resources to be able to open this up for new users

T8.6 - Hanno:

- Tested our environment with Check-in and with SURF's solution

- Doing a full data fetching and processing pipeline. Make it in a portable way. It principally works.

- Setting up two data repositories for evaluation - with PIDs (B2SHARE and SURFsara solution)

- Testing with ESCAPE the interoperability with the LOFAR AAI and IAM (ESCAPE AAI)

- Testing RUCIO for data movement

T8.7 - Doron:

- Prototype service was developed

- Setup to be handed over to eLTER+ project

T8.8 - Eric:

Case studies:

  • Planned case studies are all accomplished: Tsunami - Sulawesi (ID, 2018), Storm Surge and Typhoon Pabuk (TH, 2019), Dust transportation of biomass burning (IndoChina, 2018), Flood (MY, 2018).
  • New case studies conducted by partners themselves or requested by new partners (non-DMCC partners) are ongoing: progress is mainly affected by COVID-19, but will be followed up routinely
    • Tsunami: Early warning system of Indian Ocean (BD, ID, MM, TH, TW)
    • Typhoon and Storm Surge: Typhoon Usman (PH, 2018) is conducted by PAGASA (PH)
    • Flood: Northern Thailand (2017) or MM (leading by MY)
    • Lightening: suggested by BD (first simulation result will be brought out in the training in Nov. 2019
  • Case study of Sulawesi Tsunami has been wrapped up by a paper which will be published in Sep or Oct 2020

Regional Collaborations: Planned main workshop and two trainings have to be postponed to 2021 because of COVID-19.

  • Two virtual meetings at APAN49 (March 2020) and APAN50 (August 2020) were held focusing on forest fire/smoke/haze monitoring (leading by TH) and collaboration with Agriculture communities in Asia.

Simulation portal: Recovering gWRF portal and performance evaluation using GPU

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