18–22 Oct 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Increasing Quality and Capacity of Thematic Services in EOSC-SYNERGY

19 Oct 2021, 11:20
go.egi.eu/egi2021-3 (Zoom Room 3)


Zoom Room 3


Ignacio Blanquer (UPVLC)


"Ignacio Blanquer is full professor in the Computer Systems department. Since 2015, he leads the Grid and High Performance Computing Research group and since 2019 he is the vice-director of the Institute of Instrumentation for Molecular Imaging. Ignacio Blanquer has participated in over 60 European and National projects, and he has been the coordinator of 3 European Projects in the area of cloud computing and data analysis. Ignacio Blanquer is the coordinator of the Spanish Network for e-Science and he serves as an expert to the General Secretary of Research in the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
He is the author and co-author of nearly 55 articles in indexed journals and over 100 publications in book chapters, non-indexed journals and international congress proceedings."

Presentation materials