WP2 Task Leaders Meeting

    • 1
      Introduction and agenda review
    • 2
      Review of collaboration tools

      Needs for mailing lists, JIRA projects, etc

      Request for Yin on JIRA project for tech support, is this WP2 related? How does it related with the IMS?

    • 3
      Annual Plan for PY1

      This is the high level EGI-ACE workplan presented to the GA 2 months ago. https://confluence.egi.eu/display/EGIACE/Work+plan

      On 15th April, Hien as project manager needs to present an updated work plan for a 12-months period:
      - Deliverables and miles stones
      - Main activities each month
      - Any other important and relevant event/info

    • 4
      AOB and Next Meeting