Sep 19 – 23, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Virtual Imaging Platform: tutorial on the use and delivery of scientific applications as a service

Sep 20, 2022, 9:00 AM
Quartz (Vienna Andel Prague)


Vienna Andel Prague


Sorina POP (CNRS)


The Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP) [] is a web portal for medical simulation and image data analysis. It leverages resources available in the EGI biomed Virtual Organization to offer an open service to academic researchers worldwide. In May 2022, VIP counts more than 1400 registered users and about 20 applications publicly available.

After a quick overview of the platform, the tutorial will cover two main aspects: (i) the use of VIP for executing one of the scientific applications already available in the platform and (ii) importing a new application into VIP.

The first part will allow participants to get familiarized with the portal, create themselves a standard VIP account, launch an execution, monitor its status and retrieve the results. All this is available through the web browser and requires no prerequisites from the participants.

The second part will allow the participants to obtain an administrator VIP account on a demo instance and import themselves a new application into the VIP demo instance. This will require the manipulation of a Boutiques [] JSON descriptor pointing to a Docker image corresponding to the application to import. A complete example will be available to the participants, making it possible to complete the tutorial without any prerequisites.

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