7:00 PM
ReproVIP: Enhancing Reproducibility of Scientific Results in Medical Imaging
7:00 PM
Analysis of Pierre Auger Observatory open data using EGI Jupyter notebooks
Jiri Chudoba
Jana Maršálková
(Gymnázium Jana Nerudy)
Filip Neubauer
(Akademické gymnázium)
Václav Zajac
(SPŠST Panská)
7:00 PM
jUMP-Modeling-Portal: a new service for simulating sound propagation in the ocean
Anabela Oliveira
7:00 PM
Metrics Framework: Measuring the Success of a Recommendation System
Themis Zamani
7:00 PM
The AI4PublicPolicy Virtualized Policy Management Environment (VPME) with fully-fledged policy development/management functionalities based on AI technologies
Alessandro Amicone
(GFT Italy)
7:00 PM
Augmenting the EGI Monitoring based on the ARGO Monitoring framework with functionalities such as Service Trends and Status pages.
Emir Imamagic
Konstantinos Kagkelidis
Themis Zamani
7:00 PM
Blue-Cloud: Your Open Science platform for collaborative marine research
Dick Schaap
(Mariene Informatie Service MARIS BV)
7:00 PM
Access EGI resources through the ESCAPE developed ESFRI Science Analysis Platform
sara bertocco
7:00 PM
Deploying container-based applications on EGI with VIP
Sandesh PATIL
7:00 PM
Network technologies in the I.Bi.S.Co. Napoli HPC hybrid cluster
Silvio Pardi
7:00 PM
European computing infrastructures for digital twins: the EGI project ‘interTwin’
Gwen Franck
7:00 PM
An Open Ecosystem for European Computing Continuum
Giovanni Rimassa
(Martel Innovate)
7:00 PM
Poster: The Training Portal for Photon and Neutron Data Services
Oliver Knodel
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Marta Gutierrez David
7:00 PM
Managed Kubernetes — Next Gen Academic Infrastructure?
Viktória Spišaková
(Masaryk University)
Adrian Rosinec
7:00 PM
iMagine: Imaging data and services for aquatic science
Gergely Sipos
7:00 PM
Perun Comprehensive AAI solution
Dominik Frantisek Bucik
(Masaryk University)
Slavek Licehammer
7:00 PM
Processing large datasets using EGI-ACE EOSC resources for the climate community
Christian Page
(CECI, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France)
7:00 PM
Exploring reference data through existing computing services for the bioinformatics community : an EOSC-Pillar use-case
Gilles Mathieu
7:00 PM
DBRepo: A Database Repository to Support Research Activities
Martin Weise
(TU Wien)
7:00 PM
Cloud development at INCDTIM
Farcas Felix
7:00 PM
EGI-ACE webODV - Online extraction, analysis and visualization of SeaDataNet and Argo data
Sebastian Mieruch-Schnuelle
7:00 PM
The Jonas VRE: a science gateway for noise map visualization and data processing in the North-East Atlantic region
José Antonio Díaz