19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

How to access and use the PaaS Orchestrator Service in the EOSC Marketplace

21 Sept 2022, 12:45


Demonstration EOSC Compute Platform Demonstrations


Marica Antonacci (INFN)


The PaaS Orchestrator is one of the services available to research communities through the EOSC Marketplace: it allows access to distributed cloud compute and storage resources in a transparent and federated way. Users can easily deploy services without having to worry about where the resources are available and how to create and configure the resources they need: as a matter of fact, all these problems are automatically solved by the PaaS Orchestrator that is able to identify the federated providers where the user is entitled to consume resources thanks to the agreements established between the Virtual Organisations and the providers. Moreover, a set of “pre-cooked” service templates are available through the Orchestrator Web Dashboard: once the user is logged in, she/he can access the service portfolio that includes different categories of services: from the instantiation of virtual machines (with or without additional block storage), to the automatic installation of softwares like docker, docker-compose, elasticsearch and kibana, to the deployment of complex architecture such as kubernetes clusters. Moreover, recently new functionalities have been implemented in the PaaS in order to provide solutions for delivering trusted environments for data analysis (e.g. deployments on private networks, automatic disk encryption).
The demo will highlight the main functionalities of the PaaS and will show how users can easily interact with the orchestration system using both the command line interface and the web dashboard.

Scientific communities are encouraged to explore the PaaS Dashboard: if the available services do not fit their requirements, they can contact the support team explaining their use-case. The development team will help them to exploit the PaaS Orchestrator functionalities and, if feasible, new services will be included in the catalogue as a result of these interactions with the research communities.

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Topic EOSC Compute Platform

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