19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

An Efficient Distributed Storage Solution for Edge Computing Environments

21 Sept 2022, 14:00
Quartz (Vienna Andel Prague)


Vienna Andel Prague

Lightning Talk 8 mins A Federated Compute Continuum EGI-ACE Lightning Talks: Technologies for a Compute Continuum


Dr Antonios Makris (Harokopio University of Athens)


Due to the continuous development of Internet of Things (IoT), the volume of the data these devices generate are expected to grow dramatically in the future. As a result, managing and processing such massive data amounts at the edge becomes a vital issue. Edge computing moves data and computation closer to the client enabling latency- and bandwidth-sensitive applications, that would not be feasible using cloud and remote processing alone. Nevertheless, implementing an efficient edge-enabled storage system is challenging due to the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the edge and its limited resource capabilities. To this end, we propose a lightweight hybrid distributed edge/cloud storage framework which aims to improve the Quality of Experience (QoE) of the end-users by migrating data close to them, thus reducing data transfers delays and network utilization.

Topic A Federated Compute Continuum

Primary authors

Dr Antonios Makris (Harokopio University of Athens) Prof. Konstantinos Tserpes (Harokopio University of Athens)

Presentation materials