19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Photon and Neutron (PaN) Community: Beyond ExPaNDS and PaNOSC

22 Sept 2022, 12:00


Lightning Talk 8 mins EOSC Compute Platform Lightning Talks: EOSC Compute Platform 2


Teodor Ivanoaica (IFIN-HH/ELI-NP)


As the projects ExPaNDS and PaNOSC are reaching the end of their terms, the PaN facilities are acquiring FAIR principles enabling the PaN community and scientists in general access and reuse of a wealth of data for multidisciplinary use cases.

The two projects have established firm foundations for the deployment and adoption of federated services to allow facilities and scientists to exploit the PaN data beyond their original intended use. EOSC and the horizontal e-infrastructure providers such as EGI, have provided a strong basis to facilitate PaN services and data to the wider community via the EOSC Marketplace, OpenAire and B2FIND data explorers.

The pandemic experience has only raised the importance of the fundamental need of federated infrastructures allowing standardised remote access for scientists to be able to execute beam line experiments remotely, data post-processing workflows as well as data curation practises in a harmonised way across facilities. The emergence of the PaN Open Data Commons is an outstanding result of the projects that will allow the European and National facilities across Europe access to FAIR PaN data.

In this abstract, the ExPaNDS project summarises the work done on standardised analysis pipelines, common APIs, reference metadata framework, cataloguing and PaN training services via implementation and deployment of real life use cases.

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Topic EOSC Compute Platform

Primary authors

Mr Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY) Mrs Marta Gutierrez (EGI) Mr Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI) Juliane Marauska (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, DESY) Mr Brian Matthews (STFC) Mr Paul Millar (DESY) Mr Carlo Minotti (PSI) Mrs Kat Roarty (Diamond)

Presentation materials