19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Collaborative experiments with HPC Tier-2 sites in Netherlands

21 Sept 2022, 14:46
Opal (Vienna Andel Prague)


Vienna Andel Prague


Sagar -Mr Peter Hinirch (SURF)Mr Valeriu Codreanu (SURF)


HPC federation is an important topic for the Tier-2 centres here in the Netherlands. Therefore, SURF (Dutch Cooperative for Education & Research) has put an effort to understand what federation might mean for the SURF member institutes and the SURF organization as a whole.

Our vision is to enable researchers to conduct their research using a federated HPC ecosystem in which they can easily run and migrate their scientific applications & workflows to & from the most appropriate platform while ensuring that the infrastructure is deployed optimally and efficiently to create maximum impact on research. On the other hand, we would like to have optimized use of aggregate compute available in the regional, national & European levels.

To realize the above vision, it is necessary to work on all the aspects of the HPC ecosystem: Technology, Expertise and Governance, in collaboration with stakeholders at different levels.

The Innovation Labs at SURF provide an excellent environment for expertise building (capability) by conducting technical experiments, and proof of concepts in a collaborative setting. In this talk, we will share our approach, ideas for collaborative exploration, challenges & strategy for the topic and also for the future. We would also like to invite international partners to become part of this initiative with Innovation labs at SURF.

Topic A Federated Compute Continuum

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