MATRYCS is an European Commission co-funded project, started in October 2020, with a duration of 3 years; goal of the project is the design and develop an ICT platform for Big Data management in the building domain. The MATRYCS platform allows the stakeholders to create new business models and business opportunities relying on the value extracted from shared data.
The platform is deployed by leveraging on the cloud capabilities of EGI infrastructure, provided in the context of the Call for Use Case in the EGI-ACE project. The possibility to use the EGI infrastructure allows a better allocation of resources and an effective definition of the MATRYCS architecture build over the EGI infrastructure; this architecture is based on three software layers on top of the physical layer, which can be directly mapped to the different stages of the Big Data Value Chain.
MATRYCS Governance layer: it is composed of those services that realize the middleware needed for acquiring, managing and exposing the data. It includes the services required to guarantee data interoperability, cleaning, validation and storage.
MATRYCS Processing layer: it includes the components needed for the modelling, training, testing and validation of AI and ML based algorithms.
MATRYCS Analytics layer: it includes the set of services and tools offered to end-users for implementing complex building management applications. As the architecture aims at supporting end-users in the creation of innovation and business, the available services/tools are exposed through the MATRYCS toolbox via different business model options, which include SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.
The MATRYCS experience demonstrates how it is possible develop industrial oriented applications based on the EGI infrastructure, creating new value added business opportunities.
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