19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Using your MATLAB license on EGI services

21 Sept 2022, 10:35
Ruby I, II

Ruby I, II

Demonstration Data Spaces Demonstrations


Dr Shubo Chakrabarti (MathWorks) Ingemar Haggstrom (EISCAT)Dr Ghaith Makey (Simply Complex Lab, Bilkent University)Dr Michaël Barbier (Simply Complex Lab, Bilkent University)


This demonstration will provide tutorials on how MATLAB users can connect to various EGI services with their own licenses to share, collaborate and access data and compute across the European Open Science network.

  1. MATLAB on EGI JupyterHub: Users will learn how they can use their own MATLAB licenses to access and analyze public datasets from hundreds of data providers via the EGI JupyterHub. Users can share research output between diverse user groups, call other languages (eg. Python) from MATLAB and save data in widely accessible formats. Research communities can also leverage this service to have their own custom-built JupyterHub with MATLAB to allow users access to their cloud data. One such community, EISCAT3D will demonstrate how they are successfully taking advantage of MATLAB on this service

  1. MATLAB on EGI HPC services: Users will also learn how they can scale up their computing needs by using High Performance Computing services offered by the various EGI Council members. Using MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Parallel Server users can access multiple compute nodes at their HPC provider of choice. Ghaith Makey and Michaël Barbier from the Simply Complex Lab at Bilkent University in Turkey, will present research and demonstrate their use of parallel computing workflows with MATLAB
Topic Data Spaces

Primary authors

Dr Shubo Chakrabarti (MathWorks) Ingemar Haggstrom (EISCAT) Dr Ghaith Makey (Simply Complex Lab, Bilkent University) Dr Michaël Barbier (Simply Complex Lab, Bilkent University)

Presentation materials