Authors: Eden MAMUT, Andreea PRESURĂ
Black Sea Universities Network, International Permanent Secretariat, https://bsun.org/
The Black Sea Open Science Cloud (BSOSC) has been initiated as an activity included in the
implementation plan of the project BS CONNECT. The development of the concept of the
BSOSC started during the process of drafting the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
(SRIA) on Blue Growth for the Black Sea. In 2018, the Vision Paper of the SRIA was presented
during the European Maritime Day in Burgas, Bulgaria and the first draft of the document has
been presented in 2019, in Bucharest. Since 2019, the implementation of the SRIA is supported
by the European Commission through the project BS CONNECT.
The paper is presenting the architecture of the BSOSC on Blue Growth and the strategy for
integration in the EOSC. There are presented the databases, the web-based services, and the
interfaces. The hardware architecture and the connectivity with the repositories are presented in
The BSOSC Observatory has been also developed within the framework of the BS CONNECT
project as a connecting and communication interface for BSOSC.