19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Training: Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure

23 Sept 2022, 09:30
Quartz (Vienna Andel Prague)


Vienna Andel Prague


Training: Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure

  • Valeria Ardizzone (EGI.eu)
  • Nicolas Liampotis (GRNET)
  • Slavek Licehammer (CESNET)


The world of research is mainly characterized by scientific communities, scientific applications, community services, and infrastructure resources joined together to achieve research objectives. Digital identity management is essential when it comes to regulating and filtering access to resources or services based on the characteristics of the user. The EGI Check-in service enables access to EGI services and resources using the federated identity mechanism.

This tutorial will give an overview of digital identity management with EGI AAI service components and will provide guidelines to support the communities needs for federated access through the EGI Check-in service.

Target audience:
This tutorial is designed for end users who want to know how to access the federated services and resources of the EGI Infrastructure and for Community Managers who want to know which approach to adopt for access management.


User Identity Management with EGI Check-in (15’)
( Sign up, Identity linking, Profile view, User profile in EOSC)

Q&A (5’)

Virtual Organization (VO) Management with COmanage Registry (30’)
(VO Enrollment flow, VO group membership management, VO statistics)

Q&A (5’)

Virtual Organization (VO) Management with PERUN (30’)
(Application form, VO group membership management, Join to a VO in Perun and login with Check-in)

Q&A (5’)

Presentation materials

Building timetable...