Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - jointly organised by EGI-ACE, AI4PublicPolicy, StairwAI, LETHE, iMagine
- Marco Rorro (
- Ville Tenhunen
This session will bring together a rich set of H2020 projects and initiatives all working on Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning frameworks and applications in partnership with EGI members. The session will present achievements and will discuss ways forward to expand the scope and applicability of the presented solutions.
EOSC is a pan-European initiative that offers access to resources and services that foster scientific research. It involves various stakeholders, from researchers, providers, facilitators, up to commercial users. As a result, EOSC provides variety of resources for an open science market in Europe. Currently, it provides access to diverse and large data sources, comprising research papers,...
The ["Distributed Deep Learning by Horovod" EOSC service][1] provides the infrastructure, resources and libraries to its users in order to perform effective distributed training of deep neural networks. Access to a ready-to-use Horovod cluster is provided through Jupyterlab. The talk will give a short introduction of the service developed and recently onboarded by the [Neanias EU project][2]...
The AI4EOSC (Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud) delivers an enhanced set of advanced services for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models and applications in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). These services are bundled together into a comprehensive platform providing advanced features such as...
iMagine is a new EU HORIZON project, coordinated by EGI, which aims to deploy, operate, validate, and promote a dedicated iMagine AI framework and platform, connected to EOSC and AI4EU, giving researchers in aquatic sciences open access to a diverse portfolio of AI based image analysis services and image repositories from multiple RIs, working on and of relevance to the overarching theme of...