19–23 Sept 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - jointly organised by EGI-ACE, AI4PublicPolicy, StairwAI, LETHE, iMagine

22 Sept 2022, 16:25
Opal, Topaz (Vienna Andel Prague)

Opal, Topaz

Vienna Andel Prague


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - jointly organised by EGI-ACE, AI4PublicPolicy, StairwAI, LETHE, iMagine

  • Marco Rorro (EGI.eu)
  • Ville Tenhunen


This session will bring together a rich set of H2020 projects and initiatives all working on Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning frameworks and applications in partnership with EGI members. The session will present achievements and will discuss ways forward to expand the scope and applicability of the presented solutions.

Presentation materials

Marco Rorro (EGI.eu)
22/09/2022, 16:25
Ville Tenhunen, Marco Rorro (EGI.eu), Andrea Cristofori
22/09/2022, 17:55
Building timetable...