EOSC Future T8.2 Bi-weekly Call

Zoom (Passcode: 793267)


Passcode: 793267


This is the regular bi-weekly meeting of EOSC DIH activities under T8.2 of the EOSC Future project. Target participation is to have at least one representative from each partner that is contributing to the task: EGI Foundation, PSNC, EUDAT (CSC, CINECA), TGB, JNP, JISC and OpenAIRE.

General Updates

  • Review meeting 3nd June. 

Operational Activities

  • Business Pilots
    • Potential new pilot - Sy (Operas)
    • CITE, 4Sciene , Inteligg in progress. Building for Intellig.
    • Trango contacted to start new one
    • OiPub provided info. SLA with Androniki
  • Purchasing Services
    • Community platform: Answers for the community platform doubts to EC
    • Services for research communities: 3 answers from communities. 
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Good feedback from BigColdTrucks.
    • Highlight the feedback on the review to show the maturity
    • Proposal for change schedule (every 4 months). Elisa to complete the Y1 template
  • Collaboration with other WP
    • We will be included in the recommendation system.
    • New design of website "For...". Also a "For business" and we will get redirection to the DIH
    • Working on mockups and profiles for the UX perspective. Many suggestions done for improvement
    • Next 2-3 weeks to work on this, to be included in our presentations. 
  • Events
    • Data week
    • GA in Athens
    • EGI Conference: Booth + Session.
  • Dissemination and Material
  • Website
    • Photos! Need photos of the team to add to the team page
  • Consultancy Budget
    • PSNC to present some options for discussion
    • Partners to provide
    • Set up brainstorming
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      General Updates
      • EOSC Future review
      • EOSC Future GA in Athens
      • EOSC Asoc. KER session
    • 2
      Operational Activities
      • Business Pilots
        --- 2021 pilot status
        --- 2022 pilot status
        --- 2nd Pilot campaign. Webinar
        --- Next community meeting
      • Purchasing Services
        --- Stage 1. Status with EC.
        --- Stage 2. Sharing info with wp10 and wp6
      • Monitoring and Evaluation
      • Collaborations
        --- WP1,WP5, WP6,WP10
      • Events
        --- EGI conference
      • Communications and materials
    • 3
      AOB + Next Meeting
      • AOB
        --- Holiday plans

      • Next Meetings
        --- 24 June
        --- 1 July