Requests from NGIs - how to validate an NGI NAGIOS with some automatic procedure
from the OAT wiki: (
"for a ROC to validate an NGI Nagios instance, you can use the ops-monitor nagios, and select Service Groups --> Summary --> SERVICE_NagiosNGIDiff. There, select your NGI and then check the ngi.nagios.diff which describes the differences between the services and probes run by your ROC and your NGI. As a second and optional check, you can use the MyEGEE interfaces of your ROC and NGI to compare the status bar of all the services defined in the ROC_CRITICAL profile (CE, SRMv2 & sBDII) during the last 7 days. If you see the same services and their status have been similar in the last week, your instance can be considered validated."
From James Casey:
Even though NGIs might be starting their own operations, currently all NGIs
except Greece are monitoring by their ROC - the ROC is still responsible for
the monitoring and this is where both availability and alarms is taken from.
This is according to version 0.10 of the NGI procedure and what was agreed
at the OAT and published previously to this list.
We are in the process of finalizing a v0.11 version which also covers the
step of a ROC validating an NGI Nagios and moving control to that instance.