Claudio Gheller
Claudio Gheller: Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach
One objective of the second PRACE Implementation Phase project (PRACE-2IP) is to initiate a sustainable program in application development for supercomputing applications of scientific codes targeted at problems of high scientific impact that require HPC for their solution. This is accomplished by a refactoring program of codes in order to optimally map applications to coming supercomputing architectures and by the integration and validation these new developments into existing applications communities. The synergic interaction between communities, developers and scientist and HPC experts of PRACE centers, ensures an effective implementation of the envisaged work.
In the talk we will overview the principles this work founds on, the adopted methodology and the results accomplished during the first six months of activity, focusing on the most relevant characteristics of the selected codes and the expected outcomes, resulting from their re-design and refactoring.
Primary author
Claudio Gheller