EGI Community Forum 2012

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

The EGI Community Forum will be held, together with the second EMI Technical Conference, at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching near Munich. The event is an opportunity for the research community that depends upon distributed computing infrastructure to share knowledge, needs and vision for how the European Grid Infrastructure can better support their research over the coming years. The call for participation is now closed and successful applicants have been informed. Descriptions of the five tracks against which proposals for papers, posters, demonstrations and workshops have been selected can be found on the left menu. Submission is now closed. Submissions have been selected according to their applicability to the tracks listed beneath. Colour coding refers to the Track as shown on the Timetable (note that meetings, training and workshops are shown in non specific light colours). - Users and communities (Yellow) - Software services for users and communities (Brown) - Middleware services (Dark Green) - Operational services and infrastructure (Light Green) - Coordination and Communication (Dark Blue) Co-location with the EMI project and the participation of other development initiatives should ensure that both the research leaders and the technology providers are able to share their needs and coordinate their plans. Whilst the subsequent publication of selected papers will add a formal dimension to this sharing of knowledge, the immediate goal of the event is to ensure that EGI continues to steer a steady course towards the future needs of European researchers and their collaborators outside of Europe. We are planning to publish the contributions. The mechanism is still being discussed and evaluated - further information will be announced in due course.
    • Media Training Seminar 2-3

      Seminar 2-3

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Convener: Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)
      • 1
        Trainers introduce themselves and delegates explain what they want to get out of the training and a little about their national context. Problems and issues with EGI's current coverage overall and in specific countries.
      • 2
        What is news?
        Why is this news? A look at what is dominating the day’s newspapers. What are the news values underlying these judgements?
      • 3
        How the Media works
        Introductory presentation on news values and agendas, how stories get noticed and ignored, how to speak to the media people.
      • 4
        Talking about your work
        At an exhibition: Learning to talk about EGI to a range of audiences, including its national importance in different parts of Europe.
      • 5
        Press conference
        Taste journalistic life by trying to get the story from a reluctant interviewee.
      • 12:30
        Lunch and discussion
      • 6
        Contacts book
        A quick exercise on seeing yourself as a journalist might see you.
      • 7
        How to be a good interviewee
        Discussion on how to be a good interviewee.
      • 8
        Practical interviews - Part 1
        Groups split up. One group does radio interviews and the other television interviews. Hear/see and discuss the results.
      • 9
        Practical inteviews - Part 2
        Groups change over
      • 10
        Wrap up
        Wrap up session, including worst fears, the question you least wanted to be asked, lessons learned.
    • 2nd European Globus Community Forum LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Agenda -

      Convener: Helmut Heller (IGE)
    • UNICORE Forum e.V. General Meeting (Closed) Seminar 6

      Seminar 6

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      Message from please add the UNICORE meeting to the indico page for the
      EGI-CF. The full name is "UNICORE Forum e.V. General Meeting" room 02.07.014, designated "Seminar 6", on Monday the 26th from
      13:00 until 17:00.

      Convener: Mr Achim Streit
    • NGI International Liaison (NIL) Meeting (Closed) LRZ1 (50)

      LRZ1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Detailed agenda is elsewhere in Indico -

    • Operations Management Board (OMB) (Closed) LRZ 007 (20)

      LRZ 007 (20)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Go to the OMB AGENDA:
      The Operations Management Board is the EGI policy board leading development of operations across NGIs, EIROs and integrated infrastructure providers.

      It will be possible to participate via EVO.

      Convener: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      • 11
        Operations Management Board
        Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
    • Welcome and opening keynotes Hall 1 (600)

      Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 12
        Official Welcome - Dieter Kranzlmueller (local host), Georg Antretter (Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts), Arndt Bode (Chairman of the Board of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
        Speaker: Prof. Dieter Kranzlmueller (BADW)
      • 13
        Towards the 2020 European e-infrastructures - Kostas Glinos
        Towards the 2020 European e-infrastructures Kostas Glinos will present how the European Commission will address the increasing needs of research communities for processing massive amounts of data and experimenting in silico. The talk will present policies and actions expected for e-Infrastructures under Horizon 2020, how Cloud Computing becomes part of the solution, and information on the recent Call for proposals. Kostas Glinos has been with the European Commission since 1992. He has led the GÉANT & e-Infrastructures Unit of the Directorate General for Information Society and Media since 1 January 2009. From 2003 to 2008 he was Head of the Embedded Systems and Control unit and interim Executive Director of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking. Before joining the Commission, Kostas worked with multinational companies and research institutes in the US, Greece and Belgium. He holds a diploma in Chemical Engineering from the University of Thessaloniki, a PhD from the University of Massachusetts and a MBA in investment management from Drexel University.
        Speaker: Kostas Glinos
      • 14
        EMI and Open Source Software - Talk by Alberto di Meglio
        EMI's second major snapshot distribution, EMI-2 Matterhorn, will be released very soon. This important milestone distribution includes a number of new features in data, computing, security and infrastructure areas. It also includes support for more operating systems, in response to requests from communities who depend on distributed computing resources for their work. However, EMI is also keenly aware of the need for a clear vision on how software for scientific research will be produced and managed in the future on a more permanent basis. EMI, in collaboration with major projects and user communities, is working on a sustainability strategy that would promote and drive a more pervasive open source software community for science. This talk outlines the major EMI achievements so far and gives an outlook of the proposed open source initiative during and after the end of the project. Alberto Di Meglio holds an MEng in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. After three years at CERN as System Engineer, in 2001 he founded a software company developing a multi-platform system for the management and monitoring of distributed systems. In 2003, he joined CERN as Software Integration Manager in the first EGEE project and in 2006 he set up ETICS, an international infrastructure for building and testing software on the grid. Since 2010 he is EMI Project Director. He is a member of the Italian Board of Engineers and a Chartered Engineer of the British Engineering Council.
        Speaker: Alberto Di Meglio (EMI)
      • 15
        EGI – Ready for new horizons - Talk by Steven Newhouse
        EGI – Ready for new horizons This keynote will bring you a summary of the EGI-InSPIRE project activities in the past six months, focusing on the changes recently implemented in response to the recommendations that came out of the first EC review. The long-term impact of these changes in the project's activity will be outlined, including the latest efforts within the community for developing a sustainability model for EGI's future work. Steven Newhouse studied Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London, where he researched underwater acoustic scattering through the use of computational modelling and parallel computing. Over the last ten years he has led teams in the research, implementation and deployment of grid systems to support user communities. He has been Technical Director of the EGEE-III project, Program Manager at Microsoft and Director of the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute UK (OMII-UK). Previously, Steven was a Lecturer in e-Science at Imperial College London and Technical Director of the London e-Science Centre (LeSC).
        Speaker: Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Community-tailored Services FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session comprises various examples of non-core services designed to meet the needs of various communities.

      • 16
        CRAB: a user friendly application for distributed data processing for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the LHC
        Speaker: Dr Daniele Spiga (CERN)
      • 17
        Challenges in data management and running DNA sequencing experiments on grid
        Speaker: Ms Barbera van Schaik (Academic Medical Center)
      • 18
        The Biovel Project: Robust phylogenetic workflows running on the GRID
        Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN-Bari)
    • Information Systems: ARC/GLUE2, EMI Registry (EMIR) and Authentication Library FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This session comprises 3 contributions describing current activity in this area.

      • 19
        The ARC Information System: overview of a GLUE2 compliant production system
        Speaker: Mr Florido Paganelli (Lund University)
      • 20
        EMIR: An EMI Service Registry for Federated Grid Infrastructures
        Speaker: Mr Ahmed Shiraz Memon (JUELICH SUPERCOMPUTING CENTRE)
      • 21
        EMI Common Authentication Library
        Speaker: Daniel Kouril (CESNET)
    • Kepler Tutorial (workshop) FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 22
        Kepler Scientific Workflow Tutorial: Hands-On
        Kepler is a free and open source, scientific workflow application. During this training it is planned to perform the following exercises: - Usage of basic workflow components (framework, actors and directors) - Building basic workflows - Relations, Paths and Synchronization,if-else, loops - Advance usage of grid actors: different scenarios (simple and complex workflows)
        Speakers: Dr Antonio Gomez Iglesias (CIEMAT), Mr Marcin Plociennik (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center)
    • Outreach to New EGI Communities through Virtual Teams (VTs) LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      In 2011 the EGI-InSPIRE project revised its user engagement activities. The purpose of the restructuring was to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the interaction between the NGIs, and other organisations to achieve common goals in the field of "Engaging with New User Communities". The new user community engagement activity brings together individuals from NGIs and to carry out focussed, short term activities that directly or indirectly relate to engagement with new users. The session provides an overview of the new structure and of the first set of focused projects that have been setup.

      Further information:

      • 23
        Introduction to the Virtual Team Project framework
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.EU)
      • 24
        Assessing the adoption of Federated Identity Providers within the EGI Community
        Federated identity services could significantly simplify access to the infrastructure. Introducing federated identity mechanisms in EGI is a requirement from many communities. This VT project takes a step towards this direction, by assessing the readiness of the NGIs in adopting some type of federated identity provision mechanism for accessing services (e.g. Terena Certificate Services). Several NGIs have done developments towards this direction. The expected output of this project is a report on the current coverage of NGIs with federated identity provision services and recommendation on mechanisms to increase the federated identity providers coverage within EGI. The report can be used by both NGIs and outside of this VT to increase the coverage or to initiate other types of related actions.
        Speaker: Daniel Kouril (CESNET)
      • 25
        Community Outreach: Digital Cultural Heritage; Geosciences; GAIA-Space Computing; Sound and Music Computing
        Speaker: Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
      • 26
        Community Outreach: Fire and Smoke Simulation; Speech Processing
        Speaker: Ladislav Hluchy (UI SAV)
      • 27
        Intelligence Collection and Analysis Process & ESFRI Contact list
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.EU)
      • 28
        MPI in EGI
        Speakers: Alvaro Simon (FCTSG), Zdenek Sustr (CESNET)
      • 29
        EGI Compendium
        Speaker: Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU)
      • 30
        Inter NGI Usage Report
        Speakers: Sara Coelho (EGI.EU), Dr Torsten Antoni (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • Resource Centre Forum (workshop) FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 31
        Overview of activity proposal
        Speaker: Oxana Smirnova (Lund University / NDGF)
      • 32
        VO Support WG proposal
        Speaker: Gonzalo Merino (IFAE)
      • 33
        Use of commercial software WG proposal
        Speaker: Dr Mauro Morandin (INFN)
      • 34
        GPGPU WG proposal
        Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      • 35
    • Services for Data Management and Messaging LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The session comprises contributions on Operations-related services plus a further related contribution covering messaging services.

      • 36
        DDM Site Services: A Solution for Global Replication of HEP Data
        Speaker: Mr Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino (CERN)
      • 37
        Messaging Service and Client Software
        Speaker: Massimo Paladin (CERN)
      • 38
        Consistency between grid storage elements and file catalogue for the LHCb experiment
        Speaker: Dr Elisa Lanciotti (CERN)
      • 39
        Optimizing the usage of multi-Petabyte storage resources for LHC experiments
        Speakers: Dr Daniele Spiga (CERN), Dr Domenico Giordano (CERN), Mr Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino (CERN), Dr Maria Girone (CERN)
    • Sustaining the EGI ecosystem FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The session will address the complexities of the EGI ecosystem in the longer term from various perspectives.

      • 40
        Supporting EGI strategic dissemination activities: The European e·Infrastructures Observatory
        Speaker: Dr Jorge-A. Sanchez-P. (JNP)
      • 41
        How many users does EGI have?
        Speaker: Cyril Lorphelin (IN2P3)
      • 42
        In case the ‘Happy Accident’ Doesn’t Happen: Training the Next Generation of Senior Managers within European e-Infrastructures
        Speaker: Ms Naomi Wynter-Vincent (IMPERIAL)
      • 43
        A business model approach for a sustainable Grid infrastructure in Germany
        Speakers: Dr Ruediger Berlich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Dr Torsten Antoni (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Communication: the key to future funding FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The workshop is aimed at researchers and members of the community who need to communicate their work to targeted audiences.

      Convener: Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)
      • 44
        Championing e-infrastructure
        Speaker: Dr Gillian Sinclair (MANCHESTER)
      • 45
        Communication: the key to future funding
        Speaker: Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)
    • Community-tailored Services FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session comprises various examples of non-core services designed to meet the needs of various communities.

      • 46
        Handling of network and database instabilities in CORAL
        Speakers: Mr Alexander Loth (CERN), Dr Raffaello Trentadue (CERN)
      • 47
        Interactive Information Extraction based on Distributed Data Management for D-Grid Projects
        Speakers: Dr René Jäkel (Technische Universität Dresden), Mr Steffen Metzger (Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics)
      • 48
        Data-intensive Processing with Hadoop and friends at BiG Grid
        Speaker: Mr Evert Lammerts (SARA)
    • Data Technologies FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A grouping of 6 interrelated presentations covering a portfolio of data technologies (including EMI specific data technologies).

      • 49
        EMI Data, preparing for the finish line
        Speaker: Dr Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY/
      • 50
        Extended Grid Data Management for UNICORE - Accessing files in SRM and LFC
        Speaker: Mr Christian Loeschen (Dresden University of Technology)
      • 51
        Federated Access to Data Storage
        Speaker: Daniel Kouřil (CESNET)
    • EGI-InSPIRE Project Administration Committee LRZ 007 (20)

      LRZ 007 (20)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      Internal Project Administration Committee (PAC) meeting.

    • ESFRI, cluster and related projects workshop LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This workshop will explore the impact of EGI service offerings on the ESFRI, CLUSTER and other related projects.

      Session 1 – 14:00 – 15:30 (15min presentations)
      1. David Wallom – CRISP
      2. Alexandre Bonvin – INSTRUCT
      3. Claudio Vuerli – CTA
      4. David Corney – EU-DAT
      5. Wouter Los – ENVRI
      6. Giuditta Marinaro - EMSO

      Session 2 – 16:00 – 17:30
      1. Dan Broeder – DASISH
      2. Ye Cao – DARIAH
      3. Antonella Fresa – DCH-RP
      4. Discussion – 45 mins

      Representatives from all of these are encouraged to attend.

      The EGI service offering is a broad and diverse portfolio which can be tailored to the specific needs of the various communities. Services cover various areas from technical operations, community support and communication coordination to organisation-level support and coordination.
      The focus of the workshop is to capture key short and medium term needs from the ESFRI Cluster projects and match them where possible to current and forthcoming EGI/NGI service offerings.

    • PGRADE/gUSE - Tutorial FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The tutorial focuses on using WS-PGRADE/gUSE and its customization methodology for creating scientific gateways.

      • 53
        WS-PGRADE/gUSE and its customization methodology for creating scientific gateways
        Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
        • a) Introduction to WS-PGRADE and gUSE
          Speaker: Prof. Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
        • b) WS-PGRADE Tutorial
          Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
        • c) WS-PGRADE Hands-on
          Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
          Input files
        • d) Application Specific Module Tutorial
          Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
        • e) Application Specific Module Hands-on
          Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
        • f) Usage of WS-PGRADE and gUSE in European and national projects
          Speaker: Prof. Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
    • Sustaining the EGI ecosystem: workshop FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Initiatives contributing towards a stable EGI ecosystem will be discussed from various perspectives.

      • 54
        EGI Sustainability
        Speaker: Steven Newhouse (
      • 55
        Strategic Plan for a Scientific Cloud Computing infrastructure for Europe
        Speaker: Dr Bob Jones (CERN)
      • 56
        ScienceSoft – Open Software for Open Science
        Speaker: Dr Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)
    • Towards an Integrated IS - Workshop FMI Seminar 3 (25) (Universe)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)


      Towards an Integrated Information System: This is the second joint EGI/EMI/IGE workshop which addresses the need of an EGI integrated service for service discovery across heterogeneous grid infrastructures - based on ARC, gLite, GLOBUS, UNICORE - and offering virtualized services.
      Status of progress in the various projects involved will be assessed and a plan of future actions will be defined.

      Join via EVO
      • 57
        Introduction Seminar 1 (25)

        Seminar 1 (25)


        - Overview of agenda - Review of open actions - Review of requirements from first workshop
        Speaker: Peter Solagna (EGI.EU)
        • a) Introduction
          - introduction to agenda - review of open actions
      • 58
        Status of adoption of GLUE 2.0 FMI Seminar 3 (25)

        FMI Seminar 3 (25)


        - GLUE 2.0 and the operations tools (GOCDB and gstat), MEREDITH (tbc) - Globus and GLUE 2.0, SAVERCHENKO (tbc) - GLUE 2.0 support in EMI 2 release, Stephen Burke (tbc) - GLUE 2.0 extension and profiling (discussion) - Migration plans (discussion)
        Speakers: Ilya Saverchenko (BADW), david meredith (STFC)
      • 59
        WLCG Conclusions FMI Seminar 3 (25)

        FMI Seminar 3 (25)


        Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
        Use of the IS by WLCG experiments
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Community-tailored Services: Scalable Delivery FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A facilitated discussion based upon input from a small panel of specialists.

      The workshop will begin with a series of short ten minute talks by the specialists about their experiences and thoughts on the key issues relevant to managing the delivery of scalable services to the research community.

      1) Steve Tuecke - the dream team: what skill sets are needed to build a delivery team based on lessons learnt from Globus Online service.
      2) Vladimir Viro - Peachnote music analysis service running on the Cloud
      3) Owen Appleton - The business perspective: Emergence Tech Limited - specialised consultancy providing communication, strategy, policy and technical services to academic and commercial clients. Owen is also involved in the gSLM project.
      4) Naomi Wynter-Vincent - RAMIRI (Realising and Managing International Research Infrastructures). The RAMIRI project aims to deliver a training and networking programme for people involved in planning and managing international research infrastructures within the European Union (and Associated States).

      Others are welcome and encouraged to participate in discussions from their own perspectives.

      The aim is to capture some best practices and lessons learned and potential actions.

      • 60
        Community-tailored Services: Scalable Delivery
        A facilitated discussion based upon input from a small panel of specialists. The workshop will begin with a series of short ten minute talks by the specialists about their experiences and thoughts on the key issues relevant to managing the delivery of scalable services to the research community. 1) Steve Tuecke - the dream team: what skill sets are needed to build a delivery team based on lessons learnt from Globus Online service. 2) Vladimir Viro - Peachnote music analysis service running on the Cloud 3) Owen Appleton - The business perspective: Emergence Tech Limited - specialised consultancy providing communication, strategy, policy and technical services to academic and commercial clients. Owen is also involved in the gSLM project. 4) Naomi Wynter-Vincent - RAMIRI (Realising and Managing International Research Infrastructures). The RAMIRI project aims to deliver a training and networking programme for people involved in planning and managing international research infrastructures within the European Union (and Associated States). Others are welcome and encouraged to participate in discussions from their own perspectives. The aim is to capture some best practices and lessons learned and potential actions.
        Speaker: Mr Steve Brewer (
    • Data Technologies FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A grouping of 6 interrelated presentations covering a portfolio of data technologies (including EMI specific data technologies).

      • 61
        Advanced Data Staging in the ARC Computing Element
        Speaker: Dr David Cameron (University of Oslo)
      • 62
        dCache, agile adoption of storage technology
        Speaker: Dr Paul Millar (DESY/
      • 63
        The gCube Data Transfer Facilities
        Speaker: Mr Andrea Manzi (CERN)
    • ESFRI, cluster and related projects workshop LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This workshop will explore the impact of EGI service offerings on the ESFRI, CLUSTER and other related projects.

      Session 1 – 14:00 – 15:30 (15min presentations)
      1. David Wallom – CRISP
      2. Alexandre Bonvin – INSTRUCT
      3. Claudio Vuerli – CTA
      4. David Corney – EU-DAT
      5. Wouter Los – ENVRI
      6. Giuditta Marinaro - EMSO

      Session 2 – 16:00 – 17:30
      1. Dan Broeder – DASISH
      2. Ye Cao – DARIAH
      3. Antonella Fresa – DCH-RP
      4. Discussion – 45 mins

      Representatives from all of these are encouraged to attend.

      The EGI service offering is a broad and diverse portfolio which can be tailored to the specific needs of the various communities. Services cover various areas from technical operations, community support and communication coordination to organisation-level support and coordination.
      The focus of the workshop is to capture key short and medium term needs from the ESFRI Cluster projects and match them where possible to current and forthcoming EGI/NGI service offerings.

    • PGRADE/gUSE - Tutorial FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The tutorial focuses on using WS-PGRADE/gUSE and its customization methodology for creating scientific gateways.

    • Quality Assurance - Infrastructure LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A collection of interrelated presentations on monitoring and testing of the infrastructure.

      • 65
        Experience in Grid Site Testing for High Energy Physics with HammerCloud
        Speakers: Daniel Colin van der Ster (CERN), Ramon Medrano Llamas (CERN)
      • 66
        Site Status Board: a flexible monitoring system developed in close collaboration with user communities.
        Speaker: Ivan Dzhunov (CERN)
      • 67
        User-centric monitoring of the analysis and production activities within the ATLAS and CMS Virtual Organisations using the Experiment Dashboard system
        Speaker: Dr Edward Karavakis (CERN)
      • 68
        Monitoring in CORAL
        Speaker: Mr Alexander Loth (CERN)
    • Sustaining the EGI ecosystem: workshop FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Initiatives contributing towards a stable EGI ecosystem will be discussed from various perspectives.

      • 69
        NGI/VRC Priorities of Deployed Middleware
        Speaker: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
      • 70
        Evolving the EGI Business Model
        Speaker: Sy Holsinger (EGI.EU)
    • Towards an Integrated IS - Workshop FMI Seminar 3 (25) (Universe)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)


      Towards an Integrated Information System: This is the second joint EGI/EMI/IGE workshop which addresses the need of an EGI integrated service for service discovery across heterogeneous grid infrastructures - based on ARC, gLite, GLOBUS, UNICORE - and offering virtualized services.
      Status of progress in the various projects involved will be assessed and a plan of future actions will be defined.

      Join via EVO
      • 71
        Registry services: assessment of progress
        - GOCDB as a service registry: development status and plans, MEREDITH (tbc) - EMIR performance results and proposed deployment scenario for EGI, Shiraz MEMON (tbc) - Globus index service development, SAVERCHENKO (tbc) - Common registry interface and service record (discussion)
        Speakers: Mr Ahmed Shiraz Memon (JUELICH SUPERCOMPUTING CENTRE), Ilya Saverchenko (BADW), david meredith (STFC)
      • 72
        Global information cache
        - ARC information in the (top) BDII, Florido Paganelli (tbc) - Unicore information in the (top) BDII, Shiraz Memon (tbc) - Globus information in the (top) BDII, SAVERCHENKO (tbc) - Top/site BDII deployment issues (discussion)
      • 73
    • 17:30
      Welcome Reception and Cocktail
    • Keynotes Hall 1 (600)

      Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 74
        WeNMR: bringing grid (and cloud) computing to a worldwide structural biology community - Keynote by Alexandre Bonvin
        WeNMR: bringing grid (and cloud) computing to a worldwide structural biology community WeNMR brings together research teams in the Structural Biology area into a Virtual Research Community (VRC), focusing primarily on biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). The WeNMR platform integrates and streamlines the computational approaches necessary for NMR and SAXS data analysis and structural modelling using a grid-based e-Infrastructure fully which is integrated into EGI. Web portals provide user-friendly access, shielding end-users from the complexity of the grid. The WeNMR Virtual Research Community has grown to become one of the largest in the life sciences area, accounting for about 30% of CPU usage within the life sciences area. WeNMR is linked to INSTRUCT, in line with the ESFRI roadmap, but also aims to serve all relevant communities around the world, providing a global e-Infrastructure platform and science gateway for structural biology in general. Alexandre Bonvin studied Chemistry at Lausanne University and obtained his PhD at Utrecht University. After two post-doc periods at Yale University and the ETHZ, he joined Utrecht University in 1998 where he was appointed full professor of computational structural biology in 2009. In 2006, he received a prestigious VICI grant from the Dutch Research Council. Bonvin coordinates the WeNMR e-Infrastructure project and participates in other EU projects. Research in his group focuses on the development of reliable bioinformatics and computational approaches to predict, model and dissect biomolecular interactions at atomic level. His work has resulted in over 125 peer-reviewed publications.
      • 75
        ScalaLife - Improving the efficiency and scalability of Life Science Software - Talk by Erwin Laure
        Advances in HPC have transformed computational Life Science into an indispensable tool for both theoretical and experimental research. Peta- and upcoming exa-scale systems offer great possibilities for simulations and data processing. As usual software development is playing catch-up to hardware advances, even more so in the Life Science domain where computer engineering expertise is lagging relative to other fields. The ScalaLife project focuses on improving the scalability and efficiency of Life Science software and spreading the best practices among the community. The project began work with four codes for molecular simulations – DALTON and ERGO (quantum mechanics), GROMACS (molecular dynamics) and DISCRETE (discrete molecular dynamics), thus covering a wide range of time-scales of physical processes. In this talk we will present the experiences gained by working with these packages and the results will also be reported in two PRACE white papers. Erwin Laure is Guest Professor in Computer Science and Director of PDC-HPC, the High Performance Computing Center at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Prior to this position he was the Technical Director of the EGEE project and now coordinates the ScalaLife project, aimed at improving the scalability of Life Science applications. Erwin holds a PhD in Business Administration and Computer Science from the University of Vienna, Austria. His research interests include grid and cloud computing with a focus on data management in grid environments as well as programming environments, languages, compilers and runtime systems for parallel and distributed computing, particularly exascale computing.
        Speaker: Erwin Laure (KTH)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Astronomy & Astrophysics Internal Meeting LRZ Commission (20)

      LRZ Commission (20)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This meeting is being convened by Claudio VUERLI,(INAF-OA Trieste). A&A has been identified as a Heavy User Community (HUC) in EGI. After the startup phase of EGI-InSPIRE, HUCs have been encouraged to organize themselves as VRCs and to subscribe a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to be officially endorsed by EGI. Anyone wishing to participate in the meeting should contact the convenor.

    • Clouds: Users FMI Hall1 (600)

      FMI Hall1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This is the 1st of the day's 3 sessions on the Cloud. Presentations within this session focus on the user perspective.

      • 77
        Building a Grid-of-Clouds, Or: How One HEP Experiment Is Evaluating Strategies to Incorporate "The Cloud" into the Existing Grid Infrastructures
        Speaker: Dr Daniel VAN DER STER (CERN IT-ES)
      • 78
        Beehub; facilitating scientific collaboration
        Speaker: Mr Tom Visser (SARA / BiG Grid)
        source code
      • 79
        AppPot: bridging the Grid and Cloud worlds
        Speaker: sergio maffioletti (UZH)
      • 80
        Cloud, Ready for Bioinformatics ?
        Speaker: Dr Christophe Blanchet (IDB IBCP, CNRS FR3302)
    • Community-tailored Services FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session comprises various examples of non-core services designed to meet the needs of a number of diverse communities including NMR, weather, life sciences and HEP (WLCG).

      • 81
        Extending WeNMR e-Infrastructure outside Europe
        Speaker: Dr Marco Verlato (INFN)
      • 82
        e-Science on Weather Simulation Using WRF model
        Speaker: Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC), Taiwan)
      • 83
        Development and deployment of distributed e-VLBI components
        Speaker: Ms Karina Krinkele (Engineering Research Institute Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre of Ventspils University College)
      • 84
        ScalaLife – Providing Scalable Software Services and Expertise to Life Science
        Speaker: Dr Rossen Apostolov (Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Stockholm)
    • EGI Helpdesk LRZ 1 (50) (Universe)

      LRZ 1 (50)


      EGI Helpdesk - this session comprises presentations on GGUS covering report generation and the important role it plays in WLCG

      • 85
        The role of GGUS in delivering highly reliable WLCG operations LRZ 1 (50)

        LRZ 1 (50)


        Speaker: Mrs Maria Dimou (CERN)
      • 86
        The GGUS Report Generator LRZ 1 (50)

        LRZ 1 (50)


        Speaker: Guenter Grein (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 87
        Discussion about GGUS CSIRT collaboration LRZ 1 (50)

        LRZ 1 (50)


        CSIRT point of view
        Speaker: Daniel Kouril (CESNET)
      • 88
        Round table discussion about setting up a "GGUS advisory group" LRZ 1 (50)

        LRZ 1 (50)


        Speaker: Dr Torsten Antoni (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • EMI: Job processing components Hall 3 (100)

      Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      The initial 2 parts of 3 EMI focussed sessions in which job-related elements of the middleware are presented. The final session of the sequence will focus on QA of the development and testing process for middleware components.

      • 89
        Software for Distributed Systems – The EMI Product Portfolio
      • 90
        CREAM Computing Element: status and new developments
        Speaker: Massimo Sgaravatto (INFN)
      • 91
        Grid Engine batch system integration in the EMI era
        Speaker: Roberto Rosende Dopazo (FCTSG)
    • PRACE Workshop: The PRACE Infrastructure LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The PRACE Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) Research Infrastructure provides a persistent world-class HPC service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry. The workshop will give a general overview of objectives and achievements and then focus on services for the operation and usage of the PRACE Infrastructure as well as on user support activities through examples of user communities whose research needs span the use of PRACE and EGI resources.

      9:45 – 10:30 ScalaLife Project: Using PRACE and EGI resources (title tbd) (Erwin Laure)


      The PRACE Infrastructure
      11:00 – 11:30 PRACE – Introduction and Overview (Th.Eickermann, FZJ)
      11:30 – 12:00 Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach (Claudio Gheller, CSCS)
      12:00 – 12:30 Towards a European training network in high-performance computing(Pekka Maninen)

      Technical User Stories: Using both PetaScale HPC and Distributed HTC resources
      14:00 – 14:30 ScalaLife (Project Technical Director) title and speaker tbc
      14:30 – 15:00 MAPPER ( / Alfons Hoekstra) title and speaker tbc
      15:00 – 15:30 DRIHM (Antonio Parodi) title and speaker tbc

      Infrastructure Operations
      16:00 – 16:20 PRACE Distributed Infrastructure Services and Evolution Tools (Axel Berg, SARA)
      16:20 – 16:40 EGI Services for Integrated Use (Tiziana Ferrari, EGI)
      16:40 –17:30 Discussion

      Convener: Prof. Dieter Kranzlmueller (BADW)
      • 92
        PRACE – Introduction and Overview
        Thomas Eickermann: PRACE – Introduction and Overview The Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) is the European HPC Research Infrastructure, providing high-end HPC services to European researchers from academia and industry. This presentation will give a general overview of PRACE, covering its mission, objectives, governance and funding, resources and services, as well as the status of implementation and future directions.
        Speaker: Thomas Eickermann (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
      • 93
        Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach
        Claudio Gheller: Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach One objective of the second PRACE Implementation Phase project (PRACE-2IP) is to initiate a sustainable program in application development for supercomputing applications of scientific codes targeted at problems of high scientific impact that require HPC for their solution. This is accomplished by a refactoring program of codes in order to optimally map applications to coming supercomputing architectures and by the integration and validation these new developments into existing applications communities. The synergic interaction between communities, developers and scientist and HPC experts of PRACE centers, ensures an effective implementation of the envisaged work. In the talk we will overview the principles this work founds on, the adopted methodology and the results accomplished during the first six months of activity, focusing on the most relevant characteristics of the selected codes and the expected outcomes, resulting from their re-design and refactoring.
        Speaker: Mr Claudio Gheller
      • 94
        Towards a European training network in high-performance computing
        Pekka Manninen: Towards a European training network in high-performance computing PRACE creates a pan-European Research Infrastructure for scientific computing and modeling; providing access to computing and data management resources and services for large-scale scientific and engineering applications at the highest performance level. To aid users and potential users as well as preparing the next generation scientists and engineers PRACE has an extensive pan-European education and training effort. These promote the effective use of the RI through face-to-face training events and scientific and industrial seminars all around Europe. PRACE also builds on an online Training Portal, which features ambitious features for self-learning, provides training material and distributes the materials (lecture videos, presentation slides and so on) of PRACE training events. A unique characteristic in PRACE training efforts is the network of "PRACE Advanced Training Centres", which are the European hubs for scientific computing education. This presentation addresses the initiatives for a fully functional pan-European trainining network for scientific computing, related technological solutions, as well as discusses the lessons learned during the course of work.
        Speaker: Mr Pekka Manninen
    • Workshop on the CVMFS distributed file system FMI Seminar 1 (50) (Universe)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)


      The CERN Virtual Machine File System (CVMFS) developed at CERN provides an http-based distributed filesystem. This training workshop will cover details of the current deployment of CVMFS at CERN which serves nearly 2 TB of files to at least 70,000 clients. Details will be given of how other communities are able to use CVMFS.

      Introduction and to tutorial to CvmFS - Steve Traylen, CERN
      Use of CvmFS within GridPP - Christopher Walker, QMUL, UK
      Use of CvmFS within LHCb - Elisa Lanciotti, CERN

    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • Clouds: Infrastructure FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This is the 2nd of the day's 3 sessions on the Cloud. Presentations within this session focus on the provider perspective.

      • 95
        Operating a public cloud with StratusLab
        Speaker: Mr Floros Vangelis (GRNET)
      • 96
        Supporting grid-enabled GPU workloads using rCUDA and StratusLab
        Speaker: John Walsh (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 97
        Okeanos IaaS
        Speakers: Dr Evangelos Koukis (GRNET), Dr Panos Louridas (GRNET)
      • 98
        Cloud Federation over the World Wide Grid
        Speakers: Mr Eric Yen (ASGC), Mr Felix Lee (ASGC), Ms Jinny Chien (ASGC)
    • Community-tailored Services FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session comprises various examples of non-core services designed to meet the needs of a number of diverse communities including NMR, weather, life sciences and HEP (WLCG).

      • 99
        High Throughput Interactive In-Silico Drug Discovery Platform: GVSS-2
        Speaker: Mr Hsin-Yen Chen (ASGC and Tamkang University, Taiwan)
      • 100
        Added Value of the new features of the ATLAS Computing Model and a shared Tier2&Tier3 facilities from the Community point of view
        Speakers: Mr Fernandez Alvaro (CSIC), Dr GONZALEZ DE LA HOZ Santiago (CSIC), Dr Salt Jose (CSIC)
      • 101
        SuperB evaluation of Dirac Distributed Infrastructure
        Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN-Bari)
      • 102
        Experiment representation at the WLCG Tier-1 center GridKa
        Speaker: Mr Andreas Petzold (KIT)
    • EGI-InSPIRE PMB (closed) LRC Commission (20)

      LRC Commission (20)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Closed meeting of the EGI-InSPIRE Project Management Board

    • EMI: Job processing components FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The initial 2 parts of 3 EMI focussed sessions in which job-related elements of the middleware are presented. The final session of the sequence will focus on QA of the development and testing process for middleware components.

      • 103
        EMI Execution Service implementation in ARC
        Speaker: Mr Aleksandr Konstantinov (University of Oslo)
      • 104
        Using L&B to Monitor Torque Jobs across a National Grid
        Speaker: Mr Michal Vocu (CESNET)
    • PRACE Workshop: User Stories: Using both PetaScale HPC and Distributed HTC resources LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The PRACE Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) Research Infrastructure provides a persistent world-class HPC service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry. The workshop will give a general overview of objectives and achievements and then focus on services for the operation and usage of the PRACE Infrastructure as well as on user support activities through examples of user communities whose research needs span the use of PRACE and EGI resources.

      9:45 – 10:30 ScalaLife Project: Using PRACE and EGI resources (title tbd) (Erwin Laure)


      The PRACE Infrastructure
      11:00 – 11:30 PRACE – Introduction and Overview (Th.Eickermann, FZJ)
      11:30 – 12:00 Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach (Claudio Gheller, CSCS)
      12:00 – 12:30 Towards a European training network in high-performance computing(Pekka Maninen)

      Technical User Stories: Using both PetaScale HPC and Distributed HTC resources
      14:00 – 14:30 ScalaLife (Project Technical Director) title and speaker tbc
      14:30 – 15:00 MAPPER ( / Alfons Hoekstra) title and speaker tbc
      15:00 – 15:30 DRIHM (Antonio Parodi) title and speaker tbc

      Infrastructure Operations
      16:00 – 16:20 PRACE Distributed Infrastructure Services and Evolution Tools (Axel Berg, SARA)
      16:20 – 16:40 EGI Services for Integrated Use (Tiziana Ferrari, EGI)
      16:40 –17:30 Discussion

      Convener: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      • 105
        ScalaLife - Improving the efficiency and scalability of Life Science Software
        Advances in HPC have transformed computational Life Science into an indispensable tool for both theoretical and experimental research. Peta- and upcoming exa-scale systems offer great possibilities for simulations and data processing. As usual software development is playing catch-up to hardware advances, even more so in the Life Science domain where computer engineering expertise is lagging relative to other fields. The ScalaLife project focuses on improving the scalability and efficiency of Life Science software and spreading the best practices among the community. The project began work with 4 codes for molecular simulations – DALTON and ERGO (quantum mechanics), GROMACS (molecular dynamics) and DISCRETE (discrete molecular dynamics), thus covering a wide range of time-scales of physical processes. Through the collaboration with PRACE, several improvements to DALTOAN and GROMACS have been achieved, including new parallelization schemes, and the usage of GPUs and even FPGAs. In this talk we will present the experiences gained by working with these packages and the results will also be reported in two PRACE white papers.
        Speaker: Rossen Apostolov
      • 106
        ScalaLife: Improving the Usage of eInfrastructure for Life Science Researchers
        Erwin Laure: ScalaLife: Improving the Usage of eInfrastructure for Life Science Researchers The ScalaLife project has the aim of improving the usage of eInfrastructure for life science researchers by enhancing the efficiency and scalability of commonly used software packages and providing expert support via a distributed competence center. The initial focus of ScalaLife has been on molecular simulations (Gromacs, Dalton, Discrete, Ergo) and recently neuronal network simulation has been added to its portfolio. Through strategic links with PRACE and EGI ScalaLife is supporting the users of HPC and HTC infrastructures providing a central point of contact, the ScalaLife Competence Center. In this talk we highlight the need for coordinated support in the Life Science domain, discuss the ScalaLife support structure, and present a few success stories of improved efficiency of Life Science simulation.
        Speaker: Erwin Laure (KTH)
      • 107
        The DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology) project and the study of flash-flood producing storms
        Predicting weather and climate and its impacts on the environment, including hazards such as floods and landslides, is still one of the main challenges of the 21st century with significant societal and economic implications. At the heart of this challenge, as also suggested by the DRIHMS (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology Study) project, lies the ability to have easy access to hydrometeorological data and models, and facilitate the collaboration between meteorologists, hydrologists, and Earth science experts for accelerated scientific advances in hydrometeorological research (HMR). The DRIHM (Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology) project intends to develop a prototype e-Science environment to facilitate this collaboration and provide end-to-end HMR services (models, datasets and post-processing tools) at the European level, with the ability to expand to global scale. The objectives of DRIHM are to lead the definition of a common long-term strategy, to foster the development of new HMR models and observational archives for the study of severe hydrometeorological events, to promote the execution and analysis of high-end simulations, and to support the dissemination of predictive models as decision analysis tools. DRIHM combines the European expertise in HMR, in Grid and High Performance Computing (HPC). Joint research activities will improve the efficient use of the European e-Infrastructures, notably Grid and HPC, for HMR modelling and observational databases, model evaluation tool sets and access to HMR model results. Networking activities will disseminate DRIHM results at the European and global levels in order to increase the cohesion of European and possibly worldwide HMR communities and increase the awareness of ICT potential for HMR. Service activities will deploy the end-to-end DRIHM services and tools in support of HMR networks and virtual organizations on top of the existing European e-Infrastructures. The innovative nature of the forthcoming DRIHM services is shown in relationship with a sequence of flash-flood producing storms that deeply affected, during last fall season, the Cinqueterre area in Liguria, the Genoa city again in Liguria, and finally southern France.
        Speaker: Antonio Parodi (CIMA RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
    • Service Management - a gSLM Workshop on QA FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This workshop will build on the gSLM workshop and ITSM tutorial run by the gSLM project at the EGI Technical Forum 2011 to further assist the EGI community in increasing their awareness and expertise int he area of IT Service Management (ITSM) and in particular, Service Level Management (SLM).

      • 108
        Assessing Service Management maturity for the EGI/NGI ecosystem
        Speakers: Mr Owen Appleton (Emergence Tech Limited), Dr Thomas Schaaf (LMU)
    • Service Management and Monitoring FMI Seminar 1 (50) (Universe)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)


      2 presentations:
      An update on the overall status of the recent developments in Service Availability Monitoring (SAM). Includes an update on the architecture, the roadmap and a demonstration.
      Training session for the second level EGI SAM/Nagios supportes. This will be an informal session discussing the technical internals of SAM (closed).

      • 109
        Improving resilience of T0 grid services
        Speaker: Steve Traylen (CERN)
      • 110
        Service Availability Monitoring (SAM)
        Speaker: Dr Marian Babik (CERN)
      • 111
        Training session for EGI 2nd level SAM/Nagios supporters (closed)
        Training session for the EGI 2nd level supportes (informal, closed).
        Speaker: Marian Babik (CERN)
    • Workflows: solutions currently in use LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A series of presentations on different workflow management systems that are in use across the user community.

      • 112
        WisNetGrid Service Layer - Enabling Creative Research Workflows
        Speakers: Mr Martin Junghans (Institute AIFB/KSRI, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany), Dr Rene Jaekel (ZIH, TU Dresden), Dr Sudhir Agarwal (Institute AIFB/KSRI, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
      • 113
        Workflow and Data Management for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
        Speaker: Dr Rasmus Fogh (University of Cambridge)
      • 114
        Using SHIWA Workflow Interoperability Tools for Neuroimaging Data Analysis Applications
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Korkhov (Academic Medical Center)
      • 115
        Workflows for the Simulation of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
        Speaker: Mr Stefan Bozic (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Clouds: a User-centric Discussion FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This is the last of the day's 3 sessions on the Cloud. Building on the earlier 8 presentations and based on the outcomes to date of the Federated Cloud Task Force, this meeting will aim to identify the next steps.

      • 116
        Workshop for users: outcomes from the Federated Cloud Task Force
        Opening and introduction - Steve Brewer Use case 1 - WeNMR Alexandre Bonvin (Structural Biology) Use case 2 - Peachnote - Vladimir Viro (Music analysis) Use case 3 - WS-PGRADE - Zoltan Farkas (Web portal for grid access) TaskForce Test bed - Matteo Turilli Discussion
        Speakers: Dr Matteo Turilli (OERC), Dr Michel Drescher (, Mr Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
    • EGI-InSPIRE PMB (closed) LRZ Commission (20) (eibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ))

      LRZ Commission (20)

      eibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Closed meeting of the EGI-InSPIRE Project Management Board

    • EMI: Quality Assurance of software FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The final of the day's 3 sessions will focus on QA of the development and testing process for middleware components. (The initial 2 parts focussed on job-related elements of the middleware. )

      • 117
        Advancements in EMI Testing Infrastructure implementation
        Speakers: Danilo Dongiovanni (INFN), Tomasz Wolak (CERN)
      • 118
        T-StoRM: a StoRM testing framework
        Speaker: Dr Elisabetta Ronchieri (INFN)
      • 119
        Improvements to the EMI Build and Test Tools
        Speakers: Mr Andres Abad Rodriguez (CERN), Mr Duarte Meneses
    • PRACE Workshop: Infrastructure Operations LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      The PRACE Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE) Research Infrastructure provides a persistent world-class HPC service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry. The workshop will give a general overview of objectives and achievements and then focus on services for the operation and usage of the PRACE Infrastructure as well as on user support activities through examples of user communities whose research needs span the use of PRACE and EGI resources.

      9:45 – 10:30 ScalaLife Project: Using PRACE and EGI resources (title tbd) (Erwin Laure)


      The PRACE Infrastructure
      11:00 – 11:30 PRACE – Introduction and Overview (Th.Eickermann, FZJ)
      11:30 – 12:00 Enabling Scientific Codes to the Next Generation of HPC Systems: a Community Driven Approach (Claudio Gheller, CSCS)
      12:00 – 12:30 Towards a European training network in high-performance computing(Pekka Maninen)

      Technical User Stories: Using both PetaScale HPC and Distributed HTC resources
      14:00 – 14:30 ScalaLife (Project Technical Director) title and speaker tbc
      14:30 – 15:00 MAPPER ( / Alfons Hoekstra) title and speaker tbc
      15:00 – 15:30 DRIHM (Antonio Parodi) title and speaker tbc

      Infrastructure Operations
      16:00 – 16:20 PRACE Distributed Infrastructure Services and Evolution Tools (Axel Berg, SARA)
      16:20 – 16:40 EGI Services for Integrated Use (Tiziana Ferrari, EGI)
      16:40 –17:30 Discussion

      Convener: Thomas Eickermann (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
      • 120
        PRACE Distributed Infrastructure Services and Evolution, Tools
        Axel Berg: PRACE Distributed Infrastructure Services and Evolution, Tools For the integration of European HPC facilities PRACE operates services on Networking, Data management, Computing, AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting), User environment and Monitoring. Service quality controls are in place to guarantee the reliability of the services. In parallel PRACE collects new user and infrastructure requirements and evaluates tools to respond to the new requirements.
        Speaker: Mr Axel Berg
      • 121
        EGI Services for Integrated Use
        EGI is a grid computing infrastructure which encompasses more than 330 resource centres across 50 countries, supporting different grid middleware stacks and interoperating with peer grid infrastructures in various regions: Asia Pacific, South Africa, North America and Latin America. T. Ferrari presents the EGI operations governance, the operations service catalogue focusing on the tools supporting day-by-day operations, the systems for federated monitoring and accounting, the helpdesk, and the common policies and procedures supporting the collaboration across EGI.
        Speaker: Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      • 122
    • Service Management - a gSLM Tutorial including Security FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The goal of this training/tutorial is to deliver insight into the topics of Quality Management, IT Service Management and Information Security Management, based on these ISO standards, and in addition: provide some ideas on how this may be relevant and useful in the EGI/Grid context. The session is run by members of the gSLM project (

      • 123
        Tutorial: Management of quality, services and information security according to ISO 9000, ISO/IEC 20000 & ISO/IEC 27000 - Overview and practical insights
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Schaaf (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
    • VRC Support Platform FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      One of the main objectives of the EGI-InSPIRE project is to increase the use of the European Grid Infrastructure by lowering the barriers of adoption for new communities. The intensive and efficient reuse of EGI assets is a key factor for reaching this goal. The project selected a set of tools that can facilitate the reuse of tangible assets within the community. These tools – namely the Applications Database, the Training Marketplace, Client Relationship Management system and Requirement Tracker – help the community to monitor and keep track of relevant applications, developer tools, developers, training materials, sites and services and to reuse these for custom purposes. The talks present the latest features of these services, and how they contribute to the EGI User Support Platform, a framework that enables support teams within VRCs, NGIs and other groups to tailor EGI services as preferred by their clients.

      • 124
        Introduction to the EGI User Support Platform
        Users of the pan-European European Grid Infrastructure are supported through distributed teams. The teams operate within NGIs (National Grid Infrastructures), VRCs (Virtual Research Communities) and VOs (Virtual Organisations) and support scientific groups to create, operate and run data and/or compute intensive applications on EGI. The work of the user support teams is facilitated by a variety of software services delivered by a number of NGIs from EGI-InSPIRE: Applications Database from Greece, Training Marketplace from the UK, VO Services from Spain and Portugal and Requirement Tracker from the Czech Republic. The Applications Database (AppDB) is a service that stores information about scientific applications, reusable application developer tools and about the programmers and scientists who have developed and use them. The Training Marketplace consist of a training events calendar, a training event map, and a repository containing training-related materials and meta-data about training resources located elsewhere within the community. The VO Services activity provides software services and documentations for the setup, operation and monitoring of Virtual Organisations. The Requirement Tracking system simplifies the task of tracking users’ demand through a ticketing system that comes with simple client and back-end interfaces. The talk presents the recent major improvements to these four services, focussing on those improvements within them that help the tools become sustainable, community-driven, community-developed and community-owned services within EGI. Recent features such as commenting, rating and detailed web monitoring help us identify the most relevant applications, tools, training resources within EGI. Notification systems and tagging that were recently integrated into AppDB and Training Marketplace enable customised information exchange among specific members of the community.
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.EU)
      • 125
        EGI Training Marketplace
        The EGI Training Marketplace exists as a service to coordinate training across communities, projects and national teams. It's a one-stop-shop where trainers can advertise their events or resources and users can locate events and training materials. It's an interactive service, users can comment on materials or events they've experienced and anyone in the community can suggest training material and events that meet their needs. NGIs and projects can embed the Training Marketplace within their own websites, customising the tool to meet their needs. The talk will demonstrate the current functionality of the Training Marketplace and highlight developments that are taking place in the near future.
        Speaker: Claire Devereux (STFC)
      • 126
        EGI Applications Database
        The EGI Applications Database (AppDB) is a service that stores information about scientific applications, reusable application development tools, and about the programmers and scientists who have developed and use them. The application entries in the AppDB embrace information from various scientific fields, ranging from protein sequences analysis, through earthquake modelling, to workflow and portal frameworks. The registered tools provide services for those developers who wish to enable/connect new scientific applications to the European Grid Infrastructure. Having a searchable catalogue of reusable applications and developer tools means that scientific communities can spend less time developing and integrating their own software with EGI, and that they can, thus, spend more time on delivering science. The AppDB helps these communities identify related and reusable services, modules, and frameworks, whether they want to develop a new algorithm or want to run a widely used application on EGI. Through the contacts that are also available in the system one can obtain further information about the stored applications and tools. The presentation provides an overview of the system and its recently implemented and planned capabilities.
        Speakers: Alexander Nakos, Marios Chatziangelou (IASA)
      • 127
        EGI Client Relationship Management system
        EGI is in the process of implementing Customer Relationship Management mechanisms aiming for the definition of a portfolio of prospective user communities and explore the opportunities they may offer. EGI Customer Relationship Management strategies consist on implementing procedures and technologies towards building stronger relationships among EGI InSpire members. The core of the activity consists in the analysis of the methods used by the different EGI InSpire partners to approach national and international communities with needs that could be satisfied by EGI offer, and how they manage and monitor their progress. In this session we will present the adopted technology that allows NGIs to record, manage and monitor their prospective and ongoing relationships with national and international communities, keeping full access to the activities which are taking place within other NGIs.
        Speakers: Goncalo Borges (LIP), Joao Antonio Tomasio Pina (LIP)
      • 128
        EGI user requirements – processes, tools and achievements
        The evolution of the European Grid Infrastructure is driven by the users. Therefore capturing and communicating feedback from users to the infrastructure as well as technology operators and providers is a key goal for the EGI-InSPIRE project and for the EGI community as a whole. A requirement engineering and tracking process was put in place by the User Community Support Team and Operation teams during the first year of the project. The process integrates the User Community Board, Operations Management Board and Technology Community Board with user, operation and technology provider communities, projects and teams. Software tools, such as the EGI Requirement Tracking system (RT), RT web gadgets, wiki pages are in place to support the process stakeholders. The presentation will provide an overview of the EGI requirement engineering process and the achievements in user requirement gathering, analysis and solutions during the last 12 months of the project. Description of the Work Requirements from EGI user and operation communities are recorded and managed through the EGI Requirement Tracker (RT) system [R1]. RT is open for anyone to communicate needs and requirements concerning the capabilities of EGI functions and services. Requirements are analysed by User Community Support Team (UCST) at, Operations Team at If required experts from the NGIs and external technology providers are involved through the EGI Helpdesk [R2]. Requirements are prioritized by User Community Board [R3] and Operations Management Board [R4]. Web gadgets for the RT system are also available [R5]. These gadgets enable the integration of ticket submission and monitoring interfaces into NGIs’ or user communities’ websites. During the last 12 months 110 requirements were solved covering a wide range of topics, such as data recovery, (#1239), partial file access (#927), information system improvements (#2781), APIs to the middleware services (#914), better multithreading and MPI support (#1241, #672, ) as well as Application Database and Training Marketplace services improvements. Two requirement topics containing 3 requirements were solved by technology providers through the TCB. Technology provider roadmaps promise solutions for another 9 requirements in the next six months. Eight additional requirements have been endorsed by the TCB and are waiting for Technology Providers to commit resources for the development [R6]. The progress and achievements with requirement engineering can be monitored through a public page in the EGI Wiki [R7]. URLs: [R1] – [R2] - [R3] - [R4] – [R5] – [R6] - [R7] -
        Speaker: Karolis Eigelis (EGI.EU)
    • Workflow Systems - Workshop LRZ1 (50)

      LRZ1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This EGI-led workshop builds on the earlier Workflow presentation session and aims to bring together members and supporters of DCI user communities, user support teams from NGI, VRCs and VOs, scientific groups that are not yet engaged with EGI.

      16:00 - 16:10 Richard Mclennan/Gergely Sipos: Coordination of workflow activities in Europe by EGI
      16:10 - 16:20 Peter Kacsuk: The importance of making workflows interoperable - the SHIWA technology
      16:20 - 16:30 Stian Soiland-Reyes: The Wf4Ever project objectives and experiences
      16:30 - 16:40 Joris Borgdorff: Workflow usage in MAPPER
      16:40 - 16:50 Gabor Terstyanszky: ER-flow project to support SHIWA user communities
      16:50 - 17:00 Alessandro Costa: Workflows for astrophysics
      17:00 - 17:10 Sonja Herres-Pawlis: Developing and using workflows by the MoSGrid community
      17:10 - 17:30 Discussion forum: How to strengthen workflow-oriented collaboration in Europe?

    • 17:35
      Gala dinner at Hofbräukeller Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz (Innere Wiener Straße 19 81667 München)

      Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz

      Innere Wiener Straße 19 81667 München

    • Keynote Hall 1 (600)

      Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 130
        Defining the e-Infrastructure needs of European Environmental Research Infrastructures - Talk by Pasquale Pagano
        The ENVRI project, "Common Operations of Environmental Research infrastructures" is a collaboration in the ESFRI Environment Cluster, with support from ICT experts, to develop common e-science components and services for their facilities. The target is on developing common capabilities including software and services of the environmental and e-infrastructure communities across the very diverse research infrastructures that can be deployed and operated at scale through collaboration with e-Infrastructure providers. This presentation will focus on the common challenges across the research infrastructures relating to data capture from distributed sensors, metadata standardisation, management of high volume data, workflow execution and data visualisation that are faced by applied scientists in this domain, and the early work going on in the project relating to the common standards, deployable services and tools that they will need to undertake their research. Wouter Los is the project coordinator of the FP7 ENVRI project and led the LifeWatch ESFRI preparatory project to provide an e-science and technology infrastructure for biodiversity research. By training a theoretical chemist, he has held positions at the Universities of Leiden and Amsterdam, as well as being Director of the Institute for Taxonomic Biology. He has also held positions as Chair and Vice-Chair within a number of committees, including the Science Committee of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Society for the Management of European Biodiversity Data and was recently a member of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data.
      • 131
        DASISH: research infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities - Talk by Daan Broeder
        DASISH has recently started as a Humanities ESFRI cluster project. It is aimed at finding common requirements between the different ESFRI Social Science & Humanities projects, including CESSDA, CLARIN DARIAH, ESS and SHARE. The project also offers a good opportunity to see what services from the national and European e-infrastructures could be integrated in the Humanities research infrastructures and also identify gaps in the current offering. Daan Broeder, for many years senior developer for archive and infrastructure solutions and now deputy director of TLA unit of the MPI for Psycholinguistics, is a technologist (electronics and IT) and has a long record in leading development tasks in international projects. Currently he is a member of the executive board of the Dutch CLARIN project and participates in several EU projects concerned with research infrastructure development, such as DASISH and EUDAT. In addition he is the convener of new ISO standards in the linguistic domain (TC37/SC4: Component Metadata Infrastructure ‘CMD’ and persistent identification ‘PISA’).
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Accounting of Resource Usage FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This session comprises 4 presentations relevant to resource usage accounting on the grid.

      • 132
        Accounting of storage resources usage for the LHCb VO
        Speaker: Dr Elisa Lanciotti (CERN)
      • 133
        Gratia: New Development in Grid Accounting
        Speaker: Ms Tanya Levshina (Fermilab)
      • 134
        User Community Input to New Types of Accounting
        Speaker: Dr John Gordon (STFC)
      • 135
        Hybrid Cloud-based Grid Infraestructure: Experience & Future
        Speakers: Dr Ivan Diaz Alvarez (FCTSG), Mr Álvaro Simón (FCTSG)
    • CHAIN Workshop - VRCs on EGI & Regional Infrastructures Seminar 5 (25)

      Seminar 5 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      CHAIN aims to further coordinate and leverage the experience of e-Infrastructure Initiatives in Europe plus emerging in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

      Detailed agenda and presentations of the workshop are available at

      Convener: Federico Ruggieri (INFN - Roma Tre)
      • 136
        VRCs on EGI and Regional Infrastructures
        Speakers: Bernard Marechal (CIEMAT), Federico Ruggieri (INFN - Roma Tre)
    • Collaboration Board LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Convener: Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
    • Commissioning Original Software LRZ 2 (100) (Universe)

      LRZ 2 (100)


      The purpose of this workshop is to investigate how research teams commission or select original software applications: what approaches are taken, how long does it take, how do you explain what you need? The workshop is targeted at research teams and their leaders to explain what they need, together with application developers to explain what is possible and the NGIs to explain what is available.

      We will discuss current approaches, identify best practices and also some next steps to improve these processes.

      • 137
        How do research teams commission original software applications and ensure that they do what they want them to do?
        Speakers: Mr Richard McLennan (EGI.EU), Mr Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
      • 138
        EGI services for VREs
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.EU)
      • 139
        EGI software processes
        Speaker: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
      • 140
        ScienceSoft - Open Software for Open Science
        Speaker: Alberto Di Meglio (EMI)
      • 141
        Project management and service provsion
        Speaker: Richard McLennan (EGI.EU)
      • 142
        Job submission and file management - some reflections from the Life Sciences grid community (LSGC)
        Speaker: Franck MICHEL (CNRS)
      • 143
        Discussion: a roadmap for community software
        Speaker: Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
    • EMI: Software Quality Assurance: s/w FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A series of presentation relating to software QA as performed within EMI.

      • 144
        EMI Release Management Highlights - EMI 1 Updates & EMI 2 Status
        Speaker: Cristina Aiftimiei (INFN)
      • 145
        Common framework for extracting information and metrics from multiple change trackers
        Speaker: Dr Eamonn Kenny (TCD)
      • 146
        Performance testing of distributed computational resources in the software development phase
        Speaker: Dr Cernak Jozef (P. J. Safarik University in Kosice)
      • 147
        Quality Control in EMI
        Speaker: Giuseppe Fiameni (CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario)
    • Impact of e-Infrastructures: Assessment Methodologies FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      The workshop will provide an overview of different actions and approaches to assessment of e-Infrastructures impact.

    • Portals & Gateways FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Three sessions covering 12 presentations on Portals and Gateways.

      • 149
        The VRC-driven GISELA Science Gateway
        Speaker: Dr Diego Scardaci (INFN)
      • 150
        SOMA2 – Application Oriented Molecular Modelling Workflows in WWW-Browser
        Speaker: Dr Tapani Kinnunen (CSC)
      • 151
        InSilicoLab: A User Workspace Implementing E-science Principles
        Speaker: Joanna Kocot (ACC CYFRONET AGH)
      • 152
        gridCake & gridCamp: Making the Grid easier
        Speaker: Mr César Suárez-Ortega (CETA-Ciemat)
    • StratusLab (Workshop) FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Participants will learn about cloud technologies in general and will understand the distinction between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) infrastructures.

    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • CHAIN Workshop - VRCs on EGI & Regional Infrastructures Seminar 5 (25)

      Seminar 5 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      CHAIN aims to further coordinate and leverage the experience of e-Infrastructure Initiatives in Europe plus emerging in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

      Detailed agenda and presentations of the workshop are available at

      Convener: Federico Ruggieri (INFN - Roma Tre)
    • Cloud technology FM1 Hall 3 (100)

      FM1 Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A double session over 2 days which brings together 5 presentations on Cloud technology.

      • 154
        StratusLab: Use cases, features and sustainability
        Speaker: Dr Charles Loomis (LAL)
      • 155
        Providing resources through Cloud and Grid Interfaces by means of the standard CREAM CE and the WNoDeS cloud solution
        Speaker: Elisabetta Ronchieri (INFN-CNAF)
    • Council Workshop (closed) LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Conveners: Dr Per Oster (CSC), Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
    • EGI: Standards FMI Hall 2 (100)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      A series of presentation relating to adoption of standards within EMI.

      • 156
        Standardisation Strategies of the European Middleware Initiative
      • 157
        Lessons learned from UNICORE EMI-ES Adoption towards Improved Open Standards
        Speaker: Mr Mohammad Shahbaz Memon (Juelich Supercomputing Centre)
      • 158
        SIENA: Grid and Cloud Standards for e-Science and beyond
        Speaker: David Wallom (OXFORD)
    • EMI Site Administrator and Train the Trainer workshop FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This session will be held Thursday 29th at 14:00, where some of the most important novelties introduced by the upcoming EMI 2 will be shown. The session will begin with WNoDeS, a product being released for the first time within an EMI release. It will provide an overview of the product and a demonstration of its basic functionalities. The session will continue with the presentation of the DPM's new NFS and HTTP interfaces, followed by the demonstration of new data staging features in ARC CE, and a taste of EMI-ES, featuring submission, with the very same set of commands, to UNICORE and CREAM CE. In conclusion, the L&B product team leader will introduce the audience to the most interesting innovations in the next LB release, notably the new mechanism to control L&B's broadcasting of information over the messaging infrastructure.

      • 159
        EMI Site Administrator and Train the Trainer Workshop
        Speaker: Ms Kathryn Cassidy (TCD)
        • a) WNoDeS
          Overview of WNoDeS and a demonstration of its basic functionalities
        • b) DPM interfaces
          Demonstration of DPM's new NFS and HTTP interfaces
        • c) ARC CE data staging
          Demonstration of new data staging features in ARC CE
        • d) EMI Execution Service
          Introduction to EMI-ES, featuring unifrom submission to UNICORE and CREAM CE
        • e) Logging & Bookkeeping
          L&B broadcasting of information over the messaging infrastructure
    • HTC/HPC FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 160
        High Performance Grid Computing: getting HPC and HTC all together.
        Speaker: Prof. Antonio Lagana (UNIPG)
      • 161
        GC3Pie: A Python framework for high-throughput computing
        Speaker: Dr Sergio Maffioletti (UZH/GC3)
    • Making DCIs Work for You FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Two sessions aimed at helping users get the most out of DCI resources: first is a desktop grid tutorial from EDGI, the second is a workshop about Parallel Computing in the EGI, including use of MPI, OpenMP, and GPGPUs.

      • 162
        Getting the most out of Desktop Grids for your application
        Programme: 14:00 - 14:15 Peter Kacsuk: Extending your gLite, ARC or UNICORE VO with inexpensive desktop resources 14:15 - 14:30 Ad Emmen: International Desktop Grid Federation and its roadmap 14:30 - 14:45 Peter Kacsuk: Run your existing grid applications on desktop grids without application porting 14:45 - 15:00 Etienne Urbah: XtremWeb in the EDGI infrastructure 15:00 - 15:10 Robert Lovas: Desktop grids in ICT countries - the DEGISCO experience 15:10 - 15:30 Discussion forum on the integrated usage of desktop grids, grids and clouds (Moderator: Tamas Kiss) - Overview of the EDGI supported Desktop Grid infrastructure connected to EGI and available to EGI users. EDGI operates a 150.000+ computer Desktop Grid, with application repositories, portals, etc., available to users. It is connected to gLite, Unicore, and KnowArc based Grids. It supports QoS unique for Desktop Grids. It also includes an application repository and it includes support for distributed file access. - Recent developments: a. Tools to create widely deployable applications (including GBAC, GenWrapper). These tools make it easier to port applications to a complex infrastructure that includes Desktop Grids. b. New tools for supporting the deployment of applications (including Attic distributed file system, portals). c. SpeQuloS: The new version of SpeQuloS can be used to obtain a guaranteed job turn around time. SpeQuloS also adds SLAs to a Desktop Grid. The goal of the tutorial is to take care EGI users are aware of Desktop Grids as a possible computational resource they can use. We expect a number of the Tutorial/workshop participants will start exploring Desktop Grids with help from the community in the International Desktop Grid Federation. This will offer them the possibility to better run their applications, exploring possibly new research areas. As a more high-level impact the complete eScience infrastructure connected to EGI will be more efficiently used. During the past year, significant advancements can be reported in the use of Desktop Grids for eScience. This tutorial/workshop focuses on the aspects that are most relevant for users. There are however more topics that could be of interest. Such as how to install a Desktop Grid and integrate it with an EGI connected infrastructure. Several of these (notably from Russia and Ukraine) were already reported during the last Cracow Grid workshop. More information can be found via the International Desktop Grid Federation website at
        Speakers: Ad Emmen (EDGI, DEGISCO, e-IRGSP3 projects), Prof. Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
    • Portals & Gateways FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Three sessions covering 12 presentations on Portals and Gateways.

      • 163
        A General Purpose Grid and Cloud Portal to simplify Scientific Communities Integration Into Distributed Computing Infrastructures
        Speaker: Marco Bencivenni (INFN-CNAF IGI)
      • 164
        Web4Grid, web interface for grid jobs
        Speaker: Ms Antonia Tugores (CSIC)
      • 165
        Exploiting grid resources for data simulation by using a general-purpose framework
        Speaker: Dr Tomassetti Luca (University of Ferrara and INFN)
      • 166
        The MoSGrid Community – From National to International Scale
        Speaker: Sonja Herres-Pawlis (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
    • Virtual Research Communities (VRCs) LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session will follow the model of previous EGI forums and invite representatives from the Virtual Research Communities (VRC) associated with EGI to present their activities, achievements and goals.

      • 167
        Workshop for Virtual Research Communities: progress, achievements and plans
        Speaker: Mr Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
      • 168
        Earth Science VRC Activities
        Speakers: Horst Schwichtenberg (Fraunhofer), Sebastien Denvil (IPSL)
      • 169
        Achievements and perspectives of the biomed technical team
        Speaker: Mr Franck MICHEL (CNRS)
      • 170
        Support for non LHC VOs by GridPP in the UK
        Speaker: Dr Christopher Walker (Queen Mary, University of London)
      • 171
        Speaker: Dr Marco Verlato (INFN)
      • 172
        Speaker: Antonio Lagana (University of Perugia)
      • 173
        Speaker: antonella fresa (ICCU - Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities)
      • 174
        EGI community support services
        Speaker: Dr Gergely Sipos (EGI.EU)
      • 175
        Discussion - initial questions
        Speaker: Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
    • 15:30
      Cofee break
    • Application development with EMI FMI Hall 2 (100) (Universe)

      FMI Hall 2 (100)


      This session is aimed at application developers creating e-Science or Grid-enabled applications and will introduce some of the APIs supported by EMI products.

      The session will be structured in two parts : in the first of them, the ARGUS team will introduce some techniques for the interaction, via API, with the ARGUS authorization service. In the second part, the NGI-CH will give an overview of how High Throughput solutions can be developed using ARC.

      • 176
        ARGUS authorization service
        Introduction to the techniques for interacting with the ARGUS authorization service via API.
        Speaker: Mr Valery Tschopp
        Code Example
      • 177
        SwiNG training on developing High Throughput solutions with ARC
        The NGI-CH will give an overview of how High Throughput solutions can be developed using ARC.
        Speaker: Mr Sergio Maffioletti (University of Zurich)
    • Council Workshop (closed) LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

    • EMI Cross-Activity Accounting Workshop FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      FMI Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 178
        EMI Cross-Activity Accounting Workshop
        Speaker: Dr John Gordon (STFC)
        • a) Storage Accounting
        • b) CPU Accounting
        • c) Central Repository and SSM
          CERN Job Publishing
    • Federated Clouds Task Force: Workshop FMI Hall 3 (100)

      FMI Hall 3 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This workshop will focus technical discussions relating to future activities within the Task Force.

      • 179
        TF progress report
        Speaker: Dr Matteo Turilli (Oxford e-Research Centre)
      • 180
        Panel: TF capabilities
        Speakers: Ms Alison Packer (STFC), Bjoern Hagemeier (JUELICH), Mr Emir Imamagic (SRCE), Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET), Michel Drescher (EGI.EU), Peter Solagna (EGI.EU)
      • 181
        Testbed demonstration
        Speaker: Dr Matteo Turilli (Oxford e-Research Centre)
      • 182
        Speakers: Dr Matteo Turilli (Oxford e-Research Centre), Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
    • Making DCIs Work for You FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Two sessions aimed at helping users get the most out of DCI resources: first is a desktop grid tutorial from EDGI, the second is a workshop about Parallel Computing in the EGI, including use of MPI, OpenMP, and GPGPUs.

    • NGIs and EGCF: Experiences FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Presentations from PLGrid, the Finish NGI site and the European Globus Community Forum (EGCF).

      • 184
        European Globus Community Forum (EGCF)
        Speaker: Michael Krieger (RISC Software)
      • 185
        Setting up a Finnish NGI Site - Site Perspective
        Speaker: Juha Herrala (Tampere University of Technology)
      • 186
        PLGrid PLUS: Toward Domain-Specific Infrastructure for Supporting International Research Collaboration
        Speaker: Jacek Kitowski (PLGrid PLUS)
    • Portals & Gateways FMI Hall 1 (600)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Three sessions covering 12 presentations on Portals and Gateways.

      • 187
        The Grid Goes “Social”: Extending Authentication to Members of Social Network
        Speaker: Mr Riccardo Rotondo (GARR)
      • 188
        MILU, the three middleware user interface
        Speaker: Tyanko Aleksiev (UZH)
      • 189
        A Data Engine for Grid Science Gateways enabling easy transfer and data sharing
        Speaker: Mr Riccardo Rotondo (GARR)
      • 190
        A generic gateway and its customization in different scientific areas
        Science gateways (or portals) enable user communities to exploit distributed computing infrastructures (DCI) through simple, user-friendly interfaces. Different functionalities may be used through different portlets implementing the desired feature. A number of portal technologies are available for use by scientists or for deployment by system administrators of a user community. Usually, these portal technologies or installation serve the needs of a specific user community. Within our talk we present the SCI-BUS project, which aims to bring together a big number of scientific areas under a generic core portal technology called WS-PGRADE/gUSE, that provides access to a number of Distributed Computing Infrastructures through the DCI Bridge and offers exploitation of SaaS cloud services through the CloudBroker platform. The project offers a customization methodology of WS-PGRADE, that enables creating application-specific portals for the community's needs.
        Speaker: Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)
    • Virtual Research Communities (VRCs) LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This double session will follow the model of previous EGI forums and invite representatives from the Virtual Research Communities (VRC) associated with EGI to present their activities, achievements and goals.

      • 191
        CTACG - Cherenkov Telescope Array Computing Grid
        Speaker: Dr Giovanni Lamanna (LAPP (CNRS/IN2P3))
      • 192
        Speaker: Nicholas Walton (University of Cambridge)
      • 193
        Speaker: Jiri Chudoba (CESNET)
      • 194
        Astronomy & Astrophysics VRC
        Speaker: Claudio Vuerli (INAF)
      • 195
        CHAIN project update
        Speaker: Federico Ruggieri (INFN - Roma Tre)
      • 196
        Discussion - Gateways to the grid : a roadmap for services and VRE frameworks
        Speaker: Stephen Brewer (EGI.EU)
    • Keynote Hall 1 (600)

      Hall 1 (600)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      • 197
        The Origins of the Computer - Talk by Prof Dr Horst Zuse
        Many outstanding scientists and managers were necessary to get the computer to the point of development that we know today. Konrad Zuse (1910-1995) is almost unanimously accepted as the inventor of the first working, freely programmable machine using Boolean logic and with binary floating point numbers. He finished this Machine - called Z3 - in May 1941 in his small workshop in Berlin-Kreuzberg. This presentation will describe the achievements of Charles Babbage, the development of the secret COLOSSUS-Project, Howard Aiken’s Mark I and the ENIAC. Konrad Zuse’s contributions to computer development are presented as well, with many intriguing pictures and videos. It is not well known that Konrad Zuse founded, in 1949, a computer company that produced 251 computers of a value of 51 million euros. It was the first company to produce computers in a commercial way. Horst Zuse was born in Hindelang (Bavaria in Germany) and received a PhD in computer science from the Technische Universität (TUB) of Berlin in 1985. He has been a senior research scientist at TUB since 1975. His research interests are information retrieval systems, software engineering, software metrics, computer history and computer architectures. He has published several books including ‘Software Complexity - Measures and Methods’ and ‘A Framework for Software Measurement’ (De Gruyter Publisher). Zuse has received his ‘habilitation’ in 1998 and is a Professor with the University of Applied Sciences in Senftenberg since 2006.
      • 198
        Best Poster & Demos
      • 199
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • CHAIN: internal meeting Seminar 2 (25)

      Seminar 2 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      Convener: Federico Ruggieri (INFN - Roma Tre)
    • Cloud technology FMI Hall 1 (600) (Universe)

      FMI Hall 1 (600)


      A double session over 2 days which brings together 5 presentations on Cloud technology.

      • 200
        Experiences running a HPC Cloud
        Speaker: Ron Trompert (SARA)
      • 201
        Shaping HPC-Cloud services
        Speaker: Mr Tom Visser (SARA / BiG Grid)
      • 202
        Intel HPC in the Cloud
        Presented by Herbert Cornelius
        Speaker: Mr Herbert Cornelius
    • Council meeting (closed) LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

    • EGI Network Support - F2F General Meeting FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      FMI Seminar 3 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      This session will be a general update on the status of the provided tools for EGI Network Support and on the IPv6-related activities. It includes a presentation on High Energy Physics transition to IPv6.

      • 203
        EGI Network Support - Face to Face
        Speaker: Dr Mario Reale (GARR)
        • a) Opening / Introduction (M.Reale/GARR)
          Speaker: Dr Reale Mario (GARR)
        • b) Wrap up of current IPv6 stand and planning of IPv6 related activities (M.Reale/GARR)
          An assessment of where do we stand with IPv6 and testbed activities. Description/Discussion on next planned steps.
          Speaker: Dr Mario Reale (GARR)
        • c) HINTS status update / presentation (O.Lenormand/CNRS DSI)
          Description of HINTS and wrap up of current status/next steps
          Speaker: Olivier Lenormand (CNRS)
        • d) PerfSONAR MDM Status Update (D.Vicinanza/DANTE)
          Update on latest features/news fron the GN3/DANTE PerfSONAR MDM Community ( Multi Domain Monitoring tools )
          Speaker: Domenico Vicinanza (DANTE)
        • e) Discussion - Next Steps - A.o.B.
      • 204
        From IPv4 to eternity - the High Energy Physics transition to IPv6
        Speaker: Dr David Kelsey (STFC)
    • Perspectives LRZ 2 (100)

      LRZ 2 (100)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      A session comprising 2 presentations covering Computational Chemistry applications and the Green Computing Observatory.

      • 205
        The Green Computing Observatory
        Speaker: Julien Nauroy (INRIA-Saclay)
      • 206
        Lesson Learned from EGI on the Present and Future Development of Grids and Clouds in Malaysia
      • 207
        A Grid execution model for Computational Chemistry Applications using GC3Pie and AppPot
        Speaker: Dr Alessandro Costantini (INFN - IGI)
    • SHIWA Workflow Simulation Platform Tutorial FMI Seminar 5 (25)

      FMI Seminar 5 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      The training will include extensive hands-on for the attendees to get real experiment on how to combine different types of workflows to develop and run complex workflow applications on different kind of DCIs (clouds, grids, desktop grids, clusters). The attendees will acquire knowledge on at least one workflow language and its practical use for DCIs.

      • 208
        Introduction to the SHIWA project
        Speaker: Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)
      • 209
        User scenarios - What a user would like to see?
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Korkhov (AMC)
      • 210
        SHIWA Simulation Platform and Repository overview and demonstration
        Speaker: Dr Gabor TERSTYANSZKY (Univ. of Westminster)
      • 211
        SHIWA Simulation Platform hands-on - Part 1
        Speaker: Tram Truong Huu (CNRS)
    • Security FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      FMI Seminar 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      3 presentations including Vulnerability and UK experience on Security.

      • 212
        Tweaking the Certificate Lifecycle for the UK eScience CA
        Speaker: John Kewley (STFC)
      • 213
        Linking Authenticating and Authorising Infrastructures in the UK NGI (SARoNGS)
        Speaker: Mike Jones (MANCHESTER)
      • 214
        EMI Common Authentication Library
        Speaker: Daniel Kouril (CESNET)
      • 215
        The EGI Software Vulnerability Group and EMI
        Speaker: Linda Cornwall (STFC)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • Council meeting (closed) LRZ 1 (50)

      LRZ 1 (50)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

    • EGI-InSPIRE WP5/SA2 F2F Meeting (Closed) LRZ 007 (20)

      LRZ 007 (20)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

      F2F meeting convened by Michel Drescher.

      • 216
        EGI-InSPIRE WP5/SA2 internal workshop
        Speaker: Michel Drescher (EGI.EU)
    • SHIWA Workflow Simulation Platform Tutorial FMI Seminar 5 (25)

      FMI Seminar 5 (25)

      Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)


      The training will include extensive hands-on for the attendees to get real experiment on how to combine different types of workflows to develop and run complex workflow applications on different kind of DCIs (clouds, grids, desktop grids, clusters). The attendees will acquire knowledge on at least one workflow language and its practical use for DCIs.

      • 217
        SHIWA Simulation Platform hands-on - Part 2
        Speaker: Tram Truong Huu (CNRS)
      • 218
        SHIWA Desktop and bundle demonstration
        Speakers: Andrew Jones (Cardiff University), David Rogers (Cardiff University), Ian Harvey (Cardiff University)
      • 219
        SHIWA Fine-Grained Interoperability demonstration
        Speaker: Kassian Plankensteiner (UIBK)
      • 220
        Upcoming developments and future plans
        Speaker: Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)