Towards an Integrated Information System: This is the second joint EGI/EMI/IGE workshop which addresses the need of an EGI integrated service for service discovery across heterogeneous grid infrastructures - based on ARC, gLite, GLOBUS, UNICORE - and offering virtualized services.
Status of progress in the various projects involved will be assessed and a plan of future actions will be defined.
Peter Solagna
27/03/2012, 14:00
- Overview of agenda
- Review of open actions
- Review of requirements from first workshop
Ilya Saverchenko
david meredith
27/03/2012, 14:20
- GLUE 2.0 and the operations tools (GOCDB and gstat), MEREDITH (tbc)
- Globus and GLUE 2.0, SAVERCHENKO (tbc)
- GLUE 2.0 support in EMI 2 release, Stephen Burke (tbc)
- GLUE 2.0 extension and profiling (discussion)
- Migration plans (discussion)
Ahmed Shiraz Memon
Ilya Saverchenko
david meredith
27/03/2012, 16:00
- GOCDB as a service registry: development status and plans, MEREDITH (tbc)
- EMIR performance results and proposed deployment scenario for EGI, Shiraz MEMON (tbc)
- Globus index service development, SAVERCHENKO (tbc)
- Common registry interface and service record (discussion)