Sep 17 – 21, 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

EGI Applications Database

Sep 18, 2012, 4:00 PM
Taurus (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Presentation Virtual Research Environments (Gergely Sipos: track leader) Software services for community building and support


Marios Chatziangelou (IASA)

Wider impact of this work


Printable Summary

The EGI Applications Database (AppDB) stores information about grid-based computing tools for scientists to use. The scope of the database embraces all scientific fields, from resources to simulate exotic excitation modes in physics, to applications for complex protein sequences analysis.
The applications filed in AppDB are finished products, ready to be used. Using applications already enabled for EGI means that you, as a scientist, don't have to spend your research time adapting software to the grid.
The goal for AppDB is to inspire scientists less familiar with programming to use the grid and its resources. The database is also meant to avoid duplication of effort across the user community.
The database has been online since 1 July and is the natural successor to EGEE’s database, which was developed by Italian and Greek teams during that project’s third and final phase.

Description of the work


Primary authors

Presentation materials