Sep 17 – 21, 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone


Marketing and Communications Strategies

Sep 18, 2012, 11:00 AM
Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic


Marketing and Communications Strategies

  • Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)


Marketing and communicating your work effectively is a key aim for EC-funded projects. With Horizon 2020 coming onstream in 2014, funders are increasingly focused on getting the research they support noticed. Marketing strategies need to focus on establishing engagement with a range of audiences, including scientists, research infrastructures and policy makers. This interactive session focuses on building outreach strategies that will open up two way channels with different audiences and encourage dialogue. This is particularly important when addressing new audiences, such as new users of e-infrastructures like the ESFRI projects, in order to ensure that their requirements can be gathered and to promote new tools and services available to them.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Catherine Gater (EGI.EU), Neasan ONeill (EGI.EU)
9/18/12, 11:00 AM
Community and Co-ordination (Sergio Andreozzi: track leader)
Karolis Eigelis (EGI.EU)
9/18/12, 11:10 AM
Romier Romier (CNRS)
9/18/12, 11:20 AM
Richard McLennan (EGI.EU)
9/18/12, 11:30 AM
Mr Yannick Legre
9/18/12, 11:40 AM
Ms Zara Qadir
9/18/12, 11:55 AM
Catherine Gater (EGI.EU)
9/18/12, 12:05 PM
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