8–12 Apr 2013
The University of Manchester
GB timezone

EGI Compendium - Improving the EGI Knowledge Base

10 Apr 2013, 14:00
Theatre (The University of Manchester)


The University of Manchester


Damir Marinovic (EGI.EU)


This session will comprise of 2-3 presentations allowing solid time for fruitful discussion. The EGI.eu Strategy and Policy Team (SPT) will introduce the session outlining the overall goals while providing a short snapshot of recent achievements and upcoming activities. This will be followed by introducing the concept of having an EGI Knowledge Base and initial work of the EGI Compendium Virtual Team. Following this, the authors will present the results of the first edition of the EGI Compendium 2011 and preliminary findings of EGI Compendium 2012. The last presentation will highlight future plans and activities including the publishing of the EGI Compendium 2012 and plans on implementing an appropriate online tool. The session will conclude with allocated time for questions, answers and feedback. The discussion should ideally focus on getting NGIs and other stakeholders to provide feedback on how to improve the future editions of the Compendium, what would be the suitable EGI compendium tool and what are their suggestions and recommendations for the structure and the questions included in the next EGI questionnaire 2013.


Would you like to know more about the status of NGI infrastructures and technologies, their list of services and supported research areas, or about their strategy and sustainability? The EGI Compendium Workshop will focus on presenting the first edition of the EGI Compendium for 2011, preliminary findings for 2012 and future evolving this body of knowledge and setting up a dedicated online tool. In addition, participants will hear directly from the authors of the Compendium report and questionnaire regarding the challenges in the process of creating a functional EGI knowledge base that can significantly improve the effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of the interaction between the NGIs, EGI.eu and other related organisations. Ultimately, the EGI Compendium increases the transparency of EGI’s activities, supports the strategic planning and long-term development of EGI and provides an essential body of information for the various EGI stakeholders.


Participants will acquire knowledge in best practices for developing the EGI Compendium and learn about the preliminary findings of the EGI Compendium 2012, obtain information on opportunities for acquiring an appropriate EGI Compendium Tool, engage in discussion, provide recommendations and suggestions on how to improve EGI Compendium data collection and structure and feedback.

URL http://go.egi.eu/EGI-Compendium-2011 https://documents.egi.eu/document/1424 https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/VT_EGI_Compendium

Primary authors

Damir Marinovic (EGI.EU) Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU)


Sy Holsinger (EGI.EU)

Presentation materials