16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Towards an integrated information system - fourth workshop

18 Sept 2013, 11:00
Hidalgo (Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid)


Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Maria Pradillo (CERN) Stephen Burke (EGI.EU)

Description of Work

The main topics of the workshop will be: - Status of the implementation of GLUE2 in the various services of the different middleware stacks. - The integration between the middleware service discovery infrastructures and the operational tools. - Usability and performance of the current information discovery services and new developments. - Feedback from user communities about the information system usage and related requirements. Expected room capacity: 50 people.

Session, double-session


Wider Impact of this Work

As for the previous workshops on this topic, the output of this session will be a detailed snapshot of the current status of the information system related developments, and the actions and planned activities for the next months. Since Information system is a widely used service, its evolution will influence the operations activities as well as the user community workflows.

Printable Summary

This is the fourth workshop that focuses on the need for an EGI integrated infrastructure for middleware services discovery across heterogeneous grid infrastructures - based on ARC, gLite, GLOBUS, UNICORE – and virtualized resources. The workshop will assess the status of the activities proposed during the previous workshops, which include developments in middleware services and operations tools, as well as high level policies and standards definition and application. The workshop will define the actions to continue the work towards the implementation of a common strategy, and it is a good opportunity to discuss with the developers and resource providers use cases and requirements.

Primary author

Stephen Burke (EGI.EU)


Maria Pradillo (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.