2:00 PM
Introduction, Goals of the Workshop, Brief outline of content
Fotis Psomopoulos
(Institute of Applied Biosciences, Center for Research and Technology Hellas)
2:10 PM
A “Software as a Service” solution for exploiting Grid/Cloud infrastructure for bioinformatics and biomedical analysis workflows"
Giacinto Donvito
2:25 PM
Multi-centric studies in computational neurosciences
Johan Montagnat
2:40 PM
Identification of model parameters in cloud deployed simulation service
Tomas Kulhanek
2:50 PM
A BioInformatics Framework for NGS Immunogenetics Data (BIND)
Anastasia Hadzidimitriou
Ioanna Chouvarda
Kostas Stamatopoulos
3:00 PM
Remote analysis of human voice – case study of SaaS and test deployment in NGI/EGI
Tomas Kulhanek
3:10 PM
Structural biology applications within WeNMR
Antonio Rosato
3:20 PM
Gridification of PANAM, a phylogenetic pipeline for millions metagenomic sequences, using the DIRAC framework
Doan Trung Tung
(Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique)
Hong Quang Nguyen
Vincent Breton