16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

NIL networking session

16 Sept 2013, 14:00
1h 30m
Patio 3 (Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid)

Patio 3

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Neasan ONeill (EGI.EU) Sara Coelho (EGI.EU)

Session, double-session


Printable Summary

The aim of this session is to bring the NGI International Liaisons (NILs) together to discuss how to push forward the strategic non-operational activities taking place within the EGI ecosystem. These activities include outreach to and engagement with new and existing user communities, marketing & communications or training.

Building on feedback from previous meetings at the EGI forums, the NIL session will be structured as an interactive discussion with an open agenda. This move from the classic format organised around individual presentations, will provide a better opportunity to make the most of the NILs collective experience and expertise. The result will be a focused discussion about how to proceed with non-operational issues and a stronger NIL network at work for the benefit of the wider EGI community.

Wider Impact of this Work

On a practical side, the outcome of the session will be a set of recommendations for each question discussed during the meeting.

The session will also contribute to strengthen the NIL network within the EGI ecosystem by giving the NILs a chance to shape what they want to discuss. This will, in turn, allow us to make the most of use of the collective experience and expertise present in the room for the benefit of the wider EGI community

URL for further information


Description of Work

The NIL session will be set up as a 'structured networking' event, organised in three parts:
I) Introduction. Steven Newhouse will make a brief summary about the recent NIL-related activities within EGI, highlighting the priority areas ahead.
II) Brainstorming. The NILs will presented with a list of working questions (examples below) and invited to organise themselves into groups of five elements. The groups will discuss on ways to address the questions for about 30 minutes.
III) Discussion. Each working group makes a brief five-minute / five-point summary of their findings, followed by a general discussion.

This format has the advantage of giving NILs the opportunity to influence the agenda and outcomes of the meeting at two points: before the event, when they will be invited to submit working questions to the agenda, and at the meeting itself, when they will be able to choose which questions they actually want to discuss and engage with.

What will be discussed on the day of the meeting depends on the NILs, the feedback they send us beforehand and what they elect to do on the day. The organisers will steer the debate towards the discussions focusing on strategic non-operational activities and likely to yield ideas for new Virtual Team projects and plans to engage with new user communities.

Examples of working questions to be discussed at the meeting include:
a) What can NILs do to get things done in EGI?
b) Pick a research community – what do we need to reach them?
c) Pick a research community – how do we promote the EGI Federated Cloud to them?
d) What are the three things you would change about the VT system?

Primary authors

Neasan ONeill (EGI.EU) Sara Coelho (EGI.EU)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.