16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Grid observatory community

18 Sept 2013, 16:20
Auditorium (Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid)


Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Julien Nauroy (CNRS)

Printable Summary

This talk presents the status and perspectives of the Grid Observatory, focusing on the latest achievements of the Green Computing Observatory, scalability and standardization, and finally the GO2.0 as a community building strategy.
The Green Computing Observatory project (GCO) addresses the challenges of Green IT. Power consumption (per machine and global), computing usage and context is monitored 24x7 at the LAL site of EGI.eu and published along with an ontology-based XML schema. Preliminary analysis of the resulting timeseries a) confirms non-stationarity of EGI activity and b) demonstrates that the main opportunities for energy saving comes from technology.
Concerning the evolution of the middleware, with the possible convergence of EGI middleware and IaaS Clouds, an acquisition process specific to virtualization traces has been developed with StratusLab as a testbed. The operational integration with EGI’s middleware evolution, specifically the evolution of messaging transport protocols ensures better scalability and complete compatibility with the EGI monitoring.
Easy data querying and interpretation is a key point for usability. The interpretation aspect has been carried out by the development and deployment of tools and documents enabling users of the GO and GCO to visualize contextualized data - particularly regarding operational incidents - which is a first step towards qualification (curation) of data. The GO2.0 has for perspective the integration of the heterogeneous monitoring data into a user-friendly, easy to query system. Open Linked Data principles and NoSQL technologies are currently under review for development in 2014.

Presentation materials