Michel Drescher
Similar to many e-Infrastructure communities, EGI relies on third party software and technology providers to deliver solutions to a vast array of research communities. Some technology providers that have supported EGI over the last years were co-funded through EC projects, which are now transitioning to new business models and governance structures to continue deliver their value to the e-infrastructures community. As an open ICT ecosystem that relies on such third party technology providers and product teams for the required software or innovation, clearly defining what services are being offered and by whom is required to allow for the most appropriate and effective agreement to be established following service management best practices.
There are a number of agreements that are dictated by the service offered such as SLAs, OLAs, MoUs and underpinning contracts. EGI is developing SLA templates for technology and service providers to complement the OLA framework with resource providers to ensure service continuity on the technical level. This framework ensures interoperation of operational services, QoS, and enforces a common set of policies and procedures.
The federated nature of EGI also requires an unusual approach to service management, which affects how EGI manages its software supply. Through dedicated consultancy as a client partner within the FedSM project, EGI is developing related processes and procedures according the FitSM standard (ITIL best practices tailored for federated environments) in order to better interact with technology providers.
Therefore this presentation will cover the following main areas:
1.) Opportunities: Why engage with EGI (e.g. value proposition, benefits, opportunities)
2.) Software Supply Management: How to engage - processes, procedures and agreements (e.g. SLAs, Contracts)
3.) Services: What is offered by EGI for Technology Providers
4.) Open Questions: What we need to know from Technology Providers and Product Teams