Joanna Kocot
The family of InSilicoLab science gateways emerged as an answer to a need for tools that would be able to expose the power of distributed computing infrastructures to scientists in a way that resembles their usual work. They should be able to use the gateway as a workspace that organises their data and allows for complex computations in a way specific to their domain of science.
The InSilicoLab framework is a technology that allows creating such science gateways, tailored to a specific domain of science, or even a class of problems in that domain. The core of the framework provides mechanisms for managing the users’ data - categorising it, describing with metadata and tracking its origin - as well as for running computations on distributed computing infrastructures. Every InSilicoLab gateway instance is build based on the core components, but is provided with data models, analysis scenarios and interface specific to the actual domain it is created for.
Primary author
Joanna Kocot
Mariusz Sterzel
T. Szepieniec