16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Exposing WS-PGRADE/gUSE for large user communities

17 Sept 2013, 15:00
Auditorium (Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid)


Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI)


In our talk we would like to introduce the new developments of WS-PGRADE/gUSE, that enable exploitation of the technology by larger user communities: the robot certificate extension, the performance improvements and the possibility to use the Data Bridge for storage management through the Data Browser portlet. The robot certificate extension enables the usage of workflows containing credential-dependent DCIs without the need to posses such credentials (in line with the EGI VO Portal policy document). The performance improvement highly increases the job capacity and job throughput of WS-PGRADE/gUSE, thus the technology is feasible for communities with larger workflows and large number of users as well. Finally, the Data Browser portlet enables to manage data located on storage resources supported by the Data Bridge service.

Primary author

Zoltan Farkas (MTA SZTAKI)


Akos Hajnal (EGI.EU) Istvan Marton (MTA SZTAKI) Krisztian Karoczkai (MTA SZTAKI) Peter Kacsuk (MTA SZTAKI) Tamas Pinter (MTA SZTAKI)

Presentation materials