Description of Work
This triple session will gather contributions from the technical providers and the wider technological community contributing to the EGI infrastructure, or willing to propose new solutions to the EGI communities. It will be thematically distributed throughout a full day.
Printable Summary
The session brings together the work of the technology providers already contributing to the EGI ecosystem, and the developers of new solutions that are thought to address new use cases for the EGI user communities and resource providers.
What are now the priorities and the technical roadmaps of the product teams after the end of the European funded middleware projects? What can be the contribution of new technology provider to the EGI technological ecosystem? How the new products and new features can improve or change the users' workflows and the processes of who manages the resource centres?
The session focuses on the services that provide access to distributed resources: compute resources, storage and data management and the services that enable the federation of the infrastructure.
Wider Impact of this Work
Final users and resource centre administrators will learn from the presentations in these sessions how the technologies used in the EGI infrastructure are evolving, how the new services and features can help to improve how they use or manage the resource infrastructure in their daily work.
Session, double-session