16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone


NIL networking session

16 Sept 2013, 14:00
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


NIL networking session

  • Neasan ONeill (EGI.EU)

NIL networking session

  • Neasan ONeill (EGI.EU)


The aim of this session is to bring the NGI International Liaisons (NILs) together to discuss how to push forward the strategic non-operational activities taking place within the EGI ecosystem. These activities include outreach to and engagement with new and existing user communities, marketing & communications or training.

Building on feedback from previous meetings at the EGI forums, the NIL session will be structured as an interactive discussion with an open agenda. This move from the classic format organised around individual presentations, will provide a better opportunity to make the most of the NILs collective experience and expertise. The result will be a focused discussion about how to proceed with non-operational issues and a stronger NIL network at work for the benefit of the wider EGI community.

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Neasan ONeill et al.
NIL networking session
Patio 3, Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
14:00 - 15:30