Sep 16 – 20, 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone


New developments in WLCG for Run2

Sep 17, 2013, 4:00 PM
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


New developments in WLCG for Run2

  • Jose Flix (IFAE)
  • Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
  • Manuel Delfino


The goal of the session is to provide and update on some developments in WLCG for the next run of collisions (Run2). The selected talks are of interest to people from LHC and other communities. Among the several ongoing projects, this session focus for data transfers, data access, monitoring and how WLCG testing activities are better integrated into EGI software releasing procedures. The speakers of the workshop are the key developers/deployers of the technology and new tools.

As of today, special focus is on Data and on how to optimize Data Access on the grid. This is in part because of real world experience with running services for VOs of various sizes and characteristics; in part also because of technology evolution, with fibre optics communications evolving at a much faster pace than other components of the computing systems. This evolution has opened the possibility for remote data access to become the norm, which in turn influences how we use data transfer, which may drift towards being more of a load balancing tool rather than a data access enabler. Dataset Catalogues need to evolve in parallel, so that users and applications can quickly and efficiently find the datasets they need. In parallel, network monitoring (perfsonar-PS, WLCG data transfer monitoring) are becoming crucial tools to monitor data transfers and remote accesses performance, and monitoring the health of the network.

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