16–20 Sept 2013
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone


Discover OpenMoLE: a scalable high level abstraction of massively distributed environments for the end-users and the web portals

18 Sept 2013, 11:00
Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid

Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid


Discover OpenMoLE: a scalable high level abstraction of massively distributed environments for the end-users and the web portals

  • Romain Reuillon (CNRS)


OpenMoLE (www.openmole.org) is a platform which eases the development of massively parallel applications at a cluster, a grid or a cloud scale. It provides a reliable and high-level abstraction of execution environments to the end users and to the web portals. Indeed, the platform deals with software installations, file transfers, job failures, and renders the distributed execution entirely transparent. In this training session we propose to teach how to design OpenMoLE workflows. Attendees will learn how to:
- embed an external application in OpenMOLE,
- design large scale OpenMoLE workflows generating several hundred of thousand of jobs,
- gather / aggregate / store produced data,
- delegate the computing load to EGI / DIRAC / clusters / ad-hoc desktop-grids..
A practical session during which the audience of up to 20 will use OpenMoLE to design grid and cluster enabled applications.

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Romain Reuillon
Discover OpenMoLE: a scalable high level abstraction of massively distributed environments for the end-users and the web portals
Toledo, Meliá Castilla Convention Centre, Madrid
11:00 - 12:30