Operations Management Board

Phone conference

Phone conference

EVO MEETING - Meeting URL http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MsMiMI2i2DDiDl9i99Dt9s - Password: omb - Phone Bridge ID: 244 8613 Password: 0034 Central European Summer Time (+0200) Start 2010-10-26 10:00 End 2010-10-26 16:30 Eastern Daylight Time (-0400) Start 2010-10-26 04:00 End 2010-10-26 10:30 Pacific Daylight Time (-0700) Start 2010-10-26 01:00 End 2010-10-26 07:30 EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice) +421 55 234 2420 - Italy (INFN, several cities) http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers Enter '4000' to access the EVO bridge - Germany (DESY, Hamburg) +49 40 8998 1340 - United Kingdom (University of Manchester) +44 161 306 6802 - Australia (ARCS). Melbourne 03 8685 8362 - Netherlands (Nikhef, Amsterdam) +31 20 7165293 Dial '2' at the prompt - Canada (TRIUMF, Vancouver) +1 604 222 7700 - Czech Republic (CESNET, Prague) +420 95 007 2386 - France (RAP, Paris) +33 144 27 81 50
Minutes (doc)
minutes (pdf)
NGI operations managers agenda (OCt 2010)
    • 10:00 10:10
      FOR APPROVAL: gLite 3.1 end of support schedule 10m
      Speakers: Mario David (LIP Lisbon), Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      end of support proposal
    • 10:10 10:30
      FOR APPROVAL: Addition of CREAM Nagios results into the monthly site availability calculations 20m
      At the moment in case of sites that only have CREAM CE instances, statistics just consider BDII and SRM test results, so the availability calculation engine just ignores the CE service. You can see this for example from the INFN-Parma site, which only deploys CREAM (see link below). At the moment CREAM CE is considered an independent service type from lcg ce and ARC, and tests per service type are ANDed (see GGUS ticket below).
      Speakers: Dimitris Zilaskos (Technical staff), Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)
      Example of CREAM-only site
      GGUS ticket 62882
    • 10:30 10:45
      FOR APPROVAL: org.bdii.freshness test set to critical as of 1.11.2010 15m
      Speakers: Luuk Uljee (SARA), Malgorzata Krakowian (CYFRONET), Marcin Radecki (CYFRONET), Ron Trompert (SARA)
    • 10:45 10:55
      FOR APPROVAL: modify the APEL-Synch tests to only check results for the last 13 months. 10m
      Dear all, Since migrating the APEL tests from SAM to Nagios, there seems to be some confusion between the test result “CRITICAL” and what are critical tests. In the case of APEL, we provide two different tests, APEL-Pub and APEL-Sync. APEL-Pub is a critical test; APEL-Sync is not. However, sites will assume that when the APEL-Sync Nagios test is in a “CRITICAL” status, their site will have their availability/reliability affected. The problem in our case (the reason why more sites are failing the APEL-Sync test) is that this test is calculated by checking all the historical data of a site (currently since January 2008) both in the site’s local database and in the central database and raising an error if there are any synchronisation issues. This means that if a site has published correctly all their accounting data, except for some records in January 2008, their APEL-Sync Nagios test today will have a result of “CRITICAL”. We have two different proposals: * Reduce the window to calculate the results of the APEL-Sync tests to 13 months only. Any unsynchronised data before that won’t result on an error. * Remove the status “CRITICAL” for the APEL-Sync test and only return a “WARNING” if there are discrepancies. (Cristina Del Cano)
      Speakers: Claire Devereux (STFC), Dr John Gordon (STFC)
    • 10:55 11:40
      FOR APPROVAL: New procedures 45m
      1) minor changes in NGI creation procedure GGUS tickets will be created by COD to all active NGIs to catch up their status along with the current version of the procedures. 2) ROC decomissioning procedure: ROC decomission procedure Question to all NGIs about accounting issue: https://gus.fzk.de/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=62256 3) COD escalation procedure
      Speakers: Luuk Uljee (SARA), Malgorzata Krakowian (CYFRONET), Marcin Radecki (CYFRONET), Ron Trompert (SARA)
      1) NGI creation procedure
      2) ROC decomissioning procedure
      3) COD esclation procedure
    • 11:40 12:10
      Proposal of Policy Development process in EGI-InSPIRE 30m
      Speaker: Damir Marinovic (EGI.EU)
      Complete text of proposal
    • 12:10 12:25
      Update from OLA Task Force 15m
      Speaker: Dimitris Zilaskos (Technical staff)
    • 12:25 12:45
      AOB. 20m
      - Face to face meeting in January 24-25 2010. Session 1: OMB on network support 24/01, 11:00 Session 2: New NGIs session, 24/01, afternoon Session 3: General OMB, 25/01 9:00 Session 4: OTAG, 25/01 14:00 - Quarterly report 2 - UPDATE on Requiments gathering for EMI Y1
      Face to face meeting doodle