VT-CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) - Webinar (meeting 9)

by Webex

by Webex

The 'Technology Study for CTA' Virtual Team project of the European Grid Infrastructure recently reached an important milestone: it produced a document that summarizes the requirements of CTA concerning web scientific gateways and a connected single sign-on system.

*  Web-based Science Gateways are community-specific set of tools, applications, and data collections that are integrated together via a web portal, providing access to resources and services from a distributed computing infrastructure. These gateways can support a variety of capabilities including workflows handling, virtualization of software and hardware, visualization as well as resource discovery, job execution services, access to data collections, applications and tools for data analysis. The CTA science gateway should enable community members to define and perform custom research scenarios or other types of use cases and run these on resources of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI).

* Single Sign On (SSO) solutions simplify access control to multiple related, but independent software systems. Through SSO a user logs in once and gains access to all systems he/she needs to carry out activities without being prompted to log in again at each of them. SSO solutions are required for the human and automated workflows of CTA that need to use software, data and resources from multiple systems.

The CTA requirement document for science gateway and SSO is available at https://documents.egi.eu/document/1796. The EGI Virtual Team project that compiled the requirements document is now proceeding to its next phase and will map these requirements to solutions that already exist within the European Grid Infrastructure community. This phase will be kicked off with this webinar workshop where EGI science gateway solutions that could be relevant for CTA will be presented and discussed. The event will also provide opportunity to clarify some of the requirements.

Registration Please indicate your intent to participate by using the registration facility beneath.

Useful links
a. The Wiki page of the CTA VT project
b. The CTA Requirements Document related to science gateways and to the SSO systems
c. A high level summary of the requirements (slides with notes)

Information for science gateway presenters
Each science gateway presentation has 20 minutes for talk followed by 15 for questions and answers. The talk should cover the following topics:
- Introduction of Your science gateway software
- CTA requirements met by the software
- CTA requirements do not met by the software
- CTA requirements that need further clarification
- Your recommendations to the VT  project towards

Connection details

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!) 
1. Go to https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?ED=215373372&UID=1603751342&PW=NOTQ5NDQxNzll&RT=MiMyMg%3D%3D 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: VTCTA 
4. Click "Join". 
To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link: 

To join the audio conference only 
Call-in toll number (UK): +44-203-478-5289 
Global call-in numbers: https://egi.webex.com/egi/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=215373372&tollFree=0 
Access code:958 033 874

  • Alessandro Costantini
  • Claudio Vuerli
  • Costa Alessandro
  • Cécile Barbier
  • daniele cesini
  • Geneviève Romier
  • Gergely Sipos
  • Giovanni Lamanna
  • Giuliano Castelli
  • Jean-Philippe Lenain
  • Joanna Kocot
  • Luisa Arrabito
  • Marco Bencivenni
  • Nadine Neyroud
  • Peter Kacsuk
  • Richard McLennan
  • Suresh Marru