11–14 Apr 2011
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius
Europe/Vilnius timezone

ECEE - The open collaboration spot for cloud projects in Europe

13 Apr 2011, 14:00
3h 30m
Beta (Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius)


Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius

Workshop Virtualised & Cloud Computing Virtualisation and Cloud Computing


Dr Ake Edlund (KTH/PDC)




The ECEE work is useful for any cloud standardization effort, giving feedback on current status and requirement. The work of ECEE also helps projects to avoid duplicated efforts and share solutions. Especially for new projects ECEE is a good group to turn to.


ECEE - Enabling clouds for eScience - is where European cloud projects collaborate to find out as much as possible, as quick as possible, about how clouds can help their users in their daily work - eScience.

Description of the work

Two parts:

A) Projects present their current findings, share issues and challenges.
B) The ECEE Blueprint - A common document we all share and contribute to.

The ECEE Blueprint:

Spirit: “Cloud Interoperability Now”

  1. Roadmaps
    1a. Sharing roadmaps
    1b. Avoiding ‘built in’ interoperability problems later on

  2. Use cases
    2a. Gap analysis
    2b. “Market analysis” – today’s users, tomorrow’s
    2c. Guidelines – best practices, quick start one-pager + checklist(cloud, grid, hpc, something else?), rules of thumb

  3. Offering
    3a. Compared to existing (and evolving) public services – what do/can we offer?
    3b. Service levels – how to handle, in practice
    3c. Some mentioned last mile, customer support (application specificneeds), platforms for specific users (like rendering example fromBalticCloud)

  4. Focus areas – who to lead?
    4a. Security – access and ID mgmt in line with local requirements
    4b. Metering (what), Accounting, Billing, Business models
    4c. Federation of clouds (cf grids)
    4d. Network
    4e. Licenses
    4f. Scheduling, load balancing (resource sharing, application correlation)
    4g. Technical solutions studied –list of tested solutions, their pros and cons

  5. Trend monitoring

  6. Trends of small/medium DCIs and cloud computing
    5a.Will they change their mode of operation?
  7. GAP analysis

6a. Identified overlaps
6a.i. E.g. compare project’s current deliverables
6b. Identified gaps
6b.i. What projects did not include into the plan
6b.ii. What is posing the main problem for the projects. E.g. lack of user communities, grid legacy
6c. Identify already existing policies, best practices and recommendations, and technology from the grid community – to be used as is, or modified

  1. Anything else?


ECEE is a hands-on open collaboration with members from all over EU, contributing to a quicker learning curve on cloud computing, and at the same time contributing to the overall standardization work.

Primary author

Dr Ake Edlund (KTH/PDC)

Presentation materials