EMI aims to deliver a consolidated set of middleware components
for deployment in Distributed Computing Infrastructures, extending the interoperability between grids and other computing
infrastructures, strengthening the reliability of the services, and establishing a sustainable model to maintain and
evolve the middleware, fulfilling the requirements of user communities. This workshop is an opportunity for application developers to meet middleware experts and discover how EMI middleware can suit their needs.
Description of the work
EMI will deliver a consolidated and streamlined set of services and components from ARC, gLite and UNICORE by
re-factoring existing components, defining and implementing standards and phasing out duplicate and obsolete
components from the original middleware stacks.
The middleware components are divided in four areas (Compute, Data, Security, Infrastructure). The 'meet the expert' session wants to be an interactive session with the presence of experts of each area that will answer users technical questions about the components. Discussion will focus on middleware APIs and other capabilities helpful for developers of distributed applications or high level interfaces.
EMI aims to enhance middleware usability, interoperability and manageability. Great attention is given to application developers in order to lower technological barriers and enable a deeper integration of their application with the middleware
This workshop will be an opportunity for developers of applications/high level interface for EMI middleware to meet EMI developers and better discover how their applications can interact with EMI middleware.