Description of the work
Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI) projects and Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) play an instrumental role in the production of the SIENA initiative roadmap with DCI and SDO representatives established in key editorial and expert roles for the writing of the roadmap.
This session provides a platform to the DCIs to showcase their contributions to the SIENA roadmap and in particular, to highlight DCI user case studies. Following a brief introduction, the workshop will feature presentations DCI representatives - EGI-InSPIRE, EMI, EDGI, IGE, StratusLab, Venus-C.
The session will highlight three key areas:
1. The individual needs of European scientific research
2. Possible scenarios for the future evolution of DCIs
3. Challenges to achieving a Vision for European e-Infrastructure including gaps, risks and uncertainties.
This will then be followed by a roundtable discussion with participation from SDOs such as OGF, DMTF and OASIS. This will highlight the vital role that interoperability and the adoption of open standards for DCI projects and establish how SDOs can support DCIs in addressing interoperability issues.
Cloud computing is an industry phenomenon growing at an exponential rate. To exploit this success towards e-Infrastructures, synergies and implementation strategies must be established with existing Grid technologies. An avenue of this collaboration is through interoperability, where standards development organisations have been working with Grid infrastructures in the adoption of standards for years.
SIENA, the Standards and Interoperability for eInfrastructure Implementation Initiative, will contribute to defining a future eInfrastructures roadmap focussing on interoperability and building requirements across the DCI level of e-infrastructure. This encompasses grids and clouds for European research infrastructure and public services including eGovernment, and interoperability and standards,forming a vision for European e-Infrastructure which adheres to European strategic priorities for the realization of the full potential and far-reaching benefits of e-Infrastructures.
Collaboration and interaction between DCIs and SDOs is vital to realize solutions to issues of interoperability for e-Infrastructures and cloud computing. By building on the experience of the adoption of open standards for Grid computing the SIENA Roadmap will contribute to a policy framework for distributed computing that ensures fair competition and adherence to European strategic priorities for realization of the full potential of e-infrastructures; consolidate efforts of European distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) initiatives ; propose future actions on DCIs for research and public service; and seek alignment with European and international initiatives.
This workshop is an important part of the Roadmap process and will allow participants insight into the SIENA roadmap and the importance of interoperability for a truly community-centric e-Infrastructure.
The Digital Agenda is Europe’s strategy for a flourishing digital economy by 2020. It outlines policies and actions to maximise the benefit of the Digital Revolution for all. To achieve these goals, the European Commission will work closely with national governments, concerned organizations and companies.
The Agenda foresees how Europe should build its innovative advantage in key areas through reinforced eInfrastructures and should develop an EU-wide strategy on cloud computing notably for government and science. The strategy considers economic, legal and institutional aspects.
The SIENA roadmap is aligned with the actions foreseen in the agenda for the adoption of Cloud Computing and how to remove deployment barriers of services for public sector and eGovernment and to build cloud eInfrastructures for Science.
Interoperability is seen by both industry and research as a key factor in this process, and now finds itself a primary topic in Cloud computing. This multifaceted landscape proves the need for further alignment of standardisation efforts, established distributed computing infrastructures, and the its implementation for public services of industry driven cloud computing. SIENA is playing an important role in this process by bringing together representatives from 6 major SDOs to collaborate with DCI representatives and international distributed computing experts from industry and academia can lead to streamlining and improvement of standardization issues in the future.