11–14 Apr 2011
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius
Europe/Vilnius timezone

MPI Hands On Training

14 Apr 2011, 11:00
1h 30m
Iota (Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius)


Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius


Dr Enol Fernandez del Castillo (CSIC)


Execution of MPI applications is common in several scientific disciplines. MPI-Start offers a unique and stable interface to execute parallel applications abstracting the users from the complexity of the heterogeneous systems that compose a Grid infrastructure. This presentation introduces the basic concepts of MPI. These concepts are applied to a Grid environment with the help of MPI-Start. A detailed description of MPI-Start and how to use is given.


Users participating in this workshop will be able to describe and submit MPI jobs using gLite and MPI-Start. The extensions mechanisms of MPI-Start and how to use it for compiling applications and do input/output processing will be also covered.


The MPI training event offers an introduction and hands-on session for using MPI-Start. An detailed description of the tool and how to use it will be given.

Description of the work

EGI SA3 Training Event for MPI users (1h30min).

This workshop provides users with the needed notions for executing parallel jobs in gLite resources with MPI-Start. Topics covered will include:
* description and submission of parallel jobs
* basic use of MPI-Start
* extension mechanisms of MPI-Start
Users are supposed to have a certificate and allowed for execution in some resources.

Primary author

Presentation materials