Ruth Pordes is the Executive Director of the Open Science Grid, a consortium of more than 80 universities and laboratories in the US that was formed in 2004 to enable diverse communities of scientists to access a common grid infrastructure and shared resources. Ruth is an Associate Head of the Fermilab Computing Division with responsibility for Grids and Communication.
She is also a member of the CMS Experiment with US project responsibility for grid interfaces and integration, and is a member of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Deployment Board. She his member of the Network Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEEScomm) Project Advisory Group, with responsibilities for the Cyberinfrastructure Subcommittee.
Ruth has worked on a number of collaborative or "joint" computing projects at Fermilab, as well as been a member of the KTeV high-energy physics experiment and an early contributor to the computing infrastructure for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. She has an M.A. in Physics from Oxford University, England.
Description of the work
The talk will cover the current activities related to shared
cyberinfrastructure in the US and directions that are under
development and planning.
Ruth Pordes, Fermilab, Executive Director of the Open Science Grid and Associate Head of the Computing Division, Fermilab