This training will ensure that ROD teams have the ability to monitor their sites so as to attain high availability and reliability of their NGI's (region's) infrastructure. This in turn enhances the quality of service delivered to the users.
As many of the old EGEE ROCS have now split into their various NGIs, the old ROD teams from these are no longer active. Rather, new ROD teams, associated with their NGIs have been created, and these teams would benefit from some basic training on how to manage their roles for EGI Operations. This session aims to cater for those NGI's ROD teams who are either new, or would like to have a refresher course of the basic training.
This training will be accompanied with a remote EVO session, the details to join this session are:
URL: http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MDMaM82I2nDuD2929iD99D
- Password: ROD
- Phone Bridge
ID: 308 9277
Password: 7822
Description of the work
This will be a session with about a 45 minute presentation, followed by hands on training of participant's own sites, with experts available to provide assistance.
There will also be an simultaneous video conference, and interaction will be possible during the hands on part.
ROD training is a necessary service to ensure a high quality European Grid Infrastructure.
It is imperative that we know the numbers of the people participating.
A registration session has been created, please go to
and choose the registration form.
Participants can choose whether they will be attending the conference session directly or via video conferencing (EVO).