11–14 Apr 2011
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius
Europe/Vilnius timezone

Dissemination F2F

12 Apr 2011, 16:00
1h 30m
Gamma (Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius)


Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius

Workshop Other EGI-InSPIRE Project


Mr Neasan ONeill (EGI)


A closed NA2 face to face meeting.

Description of the work

This will be a more direct session for partners to talk with the head office to discuss what we can provide them and will allow us to follow up on any issues that were raised at the BoF which weren’t covered. It also gives us time to solidify ideas from the BoF which can be brought to the F2F maintaining momentum.


We would prefer a “closed” session on the Thursday (outside the conference programme) aimed at solely people working with/for/on EGI.


This session will allow the head office dissemination team to actively help partners by taking the issues/ideas raised from the BoF and selecting tasks which can be done or assisted by the team in Amsterdam and getting that started.

Primary author

Presentation materials

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